
发布 2023-02-23 05:58:28 阅读 3690


课题:section a 1a—1c) 课型:新课执笔:赵善友审核:伍运香。

学习目标】1.学习使用1a中的动词短语; 2.学习现在进行时态;


重难点预见】1.交际中现在进行时的正确运用; 2.动词短语的运用。



6.打扫房间7. 读报纸8. 在**上交谈。

9. 用电脑10. 做汤11. 锻炼。


学习流程】 一、自主学习。

现在进行时表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态。一般有be动词(am, is, are)加上动词的现在分词(即动词的ing形式)构成。通常句子中常有now, look!

listen! it’s two o’clock now.等表示正在进行的时间状语。

my brother is watching tv now.





二、活动**学习任务一: 1.学习并熟练掌握本节课的新词汇,写出下列中文意思。

news***** read a news***** use soup make soup wash


what’s he/ she doing in the picture a? he/she is … what are they doing in the picture h? they are


学习任务二:询问他人正在做什么,引出现在进行时态,总结现在进行时态的构成be动词(am/is/are)+ doing

what’s he/ she doing in the picture a? he/she is … what are they doing in the picture h? they are


what’s he/she doing?和what’re you/they doing?


)1. look,! they __games over there. a. is play b. is playing c. are playing

)2. we are doinga. our homework b. my homework c. one’s homework

)3. jim and his teacherover there. a. is talk b. is talking c. are talking

)4. lilythe blackboard. a. is looking b. is looking at c. looking

)5. they arebooks. a. seeing b. reading c. watching

)6. _are the students doing in the classroom now? a. what b. where c. when

)7.--is the boy using the computera. yes, he does b. no, he isn’t c. no, he doesn’t

)8.--what __your family doing? -they’re watching tv. a. is b. does c. are

) ideagood. a. listensb. soundc. sounds

) 10. it’s twelve o’clock now. the greens __lunch at home.

a. h**e b. is h**ing c.

are h**ing

达标测评】 读短文,回答问题。

it’s four thirty in the afternoon. there are many students on the playground. jim and his friends are playing basketball.

li lei and other boys are playing football. miss gao is watching the games. she is looking after the clothes, too.

where are the girls? they are over there. some are running, others are jumping.

the twins are on duty today. they are in the classroom. lucy is cleaning the window, lily is sweeping the floor.

they are working hard.

1. what time is it

2. what are jim and his friends doing

3. what is miss gao doing

4. where are the twins

5. are they working hard





课题:section a 2a—2d) 课型:新课执笔:赵善友审核:伍运香。

学习目标】1.巩固并进一步学习现在进行时态; 2.学习动词的现在分词构成的规律。



知识链接】用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. look! the boys __play) games in the park.

2. it’s 8 am. the students __h**e) an english class.

3. don’t talk. your father __sleep).

4. the girlnot sing). she is dancing. 5. are theyh**e) breakfast?



1. 一般情况下,在动词后加-ing构成:

work→working 工作 sleep→sleeping 睡 wait→waiting等待。

study→studying 学习 read→reading 读 talk→talking 谈话。

2. 在不发音的-e结尾动词(以辅音字母+e结尾)去掉e后再加-ing:

smile→smiling 微笑 move→moving搬动 write→writing 写。

take→taking 拿 use→using 使用 exercise→exercing锻炼。

但是,若是发音的e结尾,则不能去e: see→seeing 看见 agree→agreeing 同意。

3. 以重读闭音节或r音节结尾且末尾只一个辅音字母动词,要双写末尾的辅音字母再加-ing:

sit→sittingplan→planning 计划 prefer→preferring 宁愿。

4. 以字母ie结尾的动词,通常将ie改为y,再加ing:die→dying lie→lying 躺


学习任务一: 1.熟练掌握本节课的词汇并写出中文意思。movie go to the movies just eat out

2.听录音,完成2a, 2b,并核对答案。

what does jack think of the cdwhat does steve want to do?

学习任务二: role-play the conversation in 2b.


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