
发布 2023-02-22 12:22:28 阅读 4957


第八单元。1特殊疑问词+to do how to do怎样去做 what to do做什么。

2in bed 不得已原因不得不在床上(卧床) on the bed 东西在床上面。

3be made of 由…组成 be made from 由…材料制作。

4trousers 裤子jeans 牛仔裤shorts 短裤shoes鞋子~~是作为复数使用。

a pair of shoes~~单数使用 many pairs of shoes~~复数使用。

5find 找到了 look for在寻找 look after=take care of 照顾 look out of 向外看。

6my mather with me做开头真正主语是my mather

my mother with me goes shopping.妈妈和我去购物。

7all三个以上都 all the +名词复数=the whole +名复。

both 两个都 neither…nor 两个都不(既不也不) either…or两者选其一(要么要么)

8among 三个以上的中间 be popular among 流行于

between…and …或者between 名词复数两者之间。

9现在进行时 be+doing h**e没有现在进行时。

10 here comes the dog.一只狗来了 here come two dogs两只狗来了。

11help sb do sth或者help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事或者help sb with sth 帮助某人某事。

12lend sb sth=lend sth to sb 借给别人 borrow …from…从…借出。

13 another one(one可以被其他名词单数替代)=one more 名词单数。

another two minutes=two more minutes 再来两分钟。

14think about 考虑 talk about 谈论有关

15wait for 等待… at the bus stop/station在公交汽车站。

16外形+颜色+材料+名词 black silk clothes 黑色丝绸的衣服。

sb match … with …某人把…和…搭配 sth match sth=sth go well with sth …与… 相匹配。

sth fit sb …适合某人sth be fit for sth适合于干什么。

17different kinds of 与。。。不同。

a few + 可数名词复数少 a little+不可数名词少 more+可数复数或不可数更多。

18 sb spend...doing = it takes ..to do 花费

sb pay for sth 主动为。付钱 sth cost = the price of sth 值多少钱。

例句 she spends half an hour getting to school=it takes her half an hour to get to school.


the price of the dress is high/low=the dress is expensive/cheap裙子的**高/低。

19swimming lessons 游泳课

20 once a week 一周一次twice a week一周两次 many times a week一周很多次。

how often 多久一次。

21 颜色或者衣服 look+形 on sb

sb look +形 in 颜色或衣服。

with +领带。

22write to sb 写信给某人。

第七单元。1 an +”s” 双引号中的字母还可以是a e f h i l m n o r s x

a + uniform 凡是发音为字母u的发音用a 不用an

2 take 宾格 off put on 穿上(动作)wear/in 状态的穿 try on 试穿。

get on 上车get off 下车get in 上小汽车。

3 how long==一段时间提问 from 1 to 7 how often 频率提问 every day

how many 数量提问 how soon 速度提问(多快)

4what can i do for you=can i help you 有什么需要帮忙的吗。

5want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 want to do sth想要做某事 want sth for为了什么想要什么。

6 give sb sth=give sth to sb 给某人某东西show sb sth =show sth to sb把东西展示给某人。

buy sb sth = buy sth for sb 买东西给某人。

7would you like some ? do you want some? can i h**e some? 请求询问的问句用some

8 there be 句型有就近原则。

there will be/ there be(is 或者are) going to be 将有。

9 enough +名词 to do h**e enough money to buy 有足够的钱买东西。

形容词+ enough to do large enough to wear 足够大可以穿。

10use...to do= do sth with sth 用。干某事。

11sb be interested in sth /doing sth对。感兴趣 sth be interesting 东西有趣。

in football team 在足球队= be a member of ..的一个成员

12 buy sth different from one’s 例如 buy a pen different from tom’s 买一只不同于tom的笔。

13there 和they不要看错。

14 in poor areas 在贫困地区 take notes 做笔记

15 what about doing= how about doing ..怎么样 (提意见)

16everyone 和 each of 作主语是作为单数使用。

17last weekend’s football matches 上周末的足球比赛。

be different from 与。不同 the same as 与。相同。

on the top of 在。顶部 h**e a look at 看一下什么东西。

18 how many kilos of meat would you like 你想要多少斤肉

how much meat would you like?你想要多少肉(对many kilos of提问)

19 sb h**e sth= there be 有 sb h**e no sth = there be not 没有。

20 how much is it = how much does it cost 它多少钱。

21 far away from 离。远。

be a good place to do 做某事的好地方。

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