七年级 上 语词汇竞赛试题

发布 2023-02-21 19:03:28 阅读 9810



一、根据句意及汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词(每题一空格,每空格1.5分,共30分)1. -where are you from?

--i’m from美国).2. what do you usually h**e for早餐)?

3. i usually h**e milk and面包) at seven o’clock in the morning.4.

the old man hasten女儿).5. they are h**ing supper in a餐馆).

6猜猜), who is that girl in red?7. she has a圆的) face and a small nose.

8. yao ming looks酷).

9.—what time do you often get up in the morning?—at a一刻钟) past six.

10.--would you like some eggs, maria?

--no, thanks. i’d like some鸡肉).

11. my pet dog is very c___and cute. it can stand up like a man.

12. we look the same, but we are in different衣服). you like to go to the west hill for a野餐).

14. we take some apples, bananas汉堡包) and eggs with us.15.

my mother is a**).16. the little boy is jack’s堂弟).

17. there are five百) students in our school.18. my书包) is red.

19. -could you help me with my english?--no问题). my最喜欢的) food.

二、根据句意及首字母提示填词(每小题1个空格,每小题1.5分,共30分)1. h___name is julia.

she is from the jane and sally are my new c

3. mr. li is our english teacher. he s___english very mother’s father and mother are your g

5. his father is a doctor. he works in a h6. would you like something to d

7. -what’syour telephone nit’s (010)8659-7981.8.

the teacher is old, but the students are y___9. -wcap is it?--it’s sally’s.

10. maria is tall and she has short ohair.11.

the bags are too h___could you help me, please?

afraid i can’t go f___with you. i h**e to look after my sister at home.13.

mr. lee t___us history. we like him very much.

14. you can see many a___here, like lions and tigers.15.

monkeys like eating bthey are very clever.16. -what cis your cap?


17. -what is your fsport? -i like football very much.18. how about fa kite with me?

19. mr. black comes from canada.

now he lin beijing.20. what would you like to drink, milk or j

三、用所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题一个空格,每小题2分,共20分)1. -do you speakchina)?-yes, i do.

2. -what does your father do?--he is afarm).

3. do you wanth**e) some chicken?4.

jim likes manykind) of chinese food.5. he’d like somechicken) for lunch.

6. i’d like twoglass) of like to take a pair ofshoe).8.

my father is awork). wants tovisit) the great english in a school.


the girlis mingming’s sister.

2.我常常在早上6:00起床。i oftenat 6:00 in the morning.

3.今天下午你有空吗youthis afternoon?4.

他经常和我们一起吃早饭。hebreakfast with us.5.

他经常帮梅梅学英语。he often __meimei___her english.6.

他喜欢和他的父母住在一起。he likes tohis parents.7.

她姑姑在一家商店工作。her aunt __in a __8.我今年十八岁,而我奶奶八十了。

i amyears old and my grandmother is9.西红柿和卷心菜是我最喜欢的蔬菜。

tomatoes and cabbages are my10.明天是星期天is11.孩子们,请随便吃些鸡肉吧。

kidsto some chicken, please.12.在动物园里我们可以看见猴子、狮子、老虎和大象。

we can seelionstigers andin the zoo.

13.我们在同一间学校,但不年级。we are in the same school, but in14.现在是上午12点。it’sin the morning.


jane and sally are my new①cthey are very nice. jane②c___from③c___a lot,④b___i like it a little. so my english is not very good.

jane and sally oftenhelp⑤m___with it. they like chinese chinese isnotgood, soi helpthem. we are good friends and we help each⑥o___b



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