
发布 2023-02-18 05:19:28 阅读 8655






) 6. a. it’s tuesdayb. it’s july 10thc. it’s his.

) 7. a. yes, i canb. thanksc. yes, i am.

) 8. a. it’s sunnyb. it’s mother’s dayc. it’s good.

) 9. a. no, i can’tb. yes, i h**ec. it’s short.

) 10. a. yes, i’d love to. b. by busc. wonderful.


) 11. a. at 7:00b. at 5: 30c. at 6:30.

) 12. a. a yellow coatb. a red blue skirt.

) 13. a. yes, it isb. it’s ann’sc. it’s lucy’s.

) 14. a. skippingb. runningc. climbing a ladder.

) 15. a. 48b. 26c.30


) 16. how old is susan?

a. elevenb. twelvec. fourteen.

) 17. who is peter?

a. susan’s sister. b. susan’s friend. c. susan’s brother

) 18. how many days do they go to school?

a. fiveb. sixc. seven

) 19. do they go to school at weekends?

a. yes, they do. b. surec. no, they don’t.

) 20. susan’s parents teach

a. chineseb. englishc. japanese


) 21. where __tom going?

a. amb. canc. isd. does

) 22. we often go to schoolhalf past seven.

a. atb. forc. ond. by

) 23. would you likecoffee?

a. anyb. somec. ad. many

) 24does kate go to school ? by bike.

a. howb. whatc. whyd. where

) 25. he likes __football. look! he __football.

a. play, play b. plays, play c. playing, plays d. playing, is playing

) 26 . i’m __he is not here.

a. hopeb. findc. afraidd. know

) 27. —how much are these apples

a. they are yours b. they are big c. five yuan a kilo d. these are apples

)28. my father __tv in the morning.

a. seesb. watch c. lookd. watches

) 29. you are from shanghai

a. are youb. aren’t you c. shall you d. do you

) 30i can’t find my jacket.

a. what’s the matterb. what day is it today

c. where are you goingd. what are you doing

b.单词拼写,根据句意及所给的中文或首字母提示,在横线上写出单词。(每空一词,每词一分, 共10分。)

31. —what tis the break? —it’s at ten past ten.

32. they are swimming in the r

33. how ldoes the journey take?

34. sunday is the fday of the week.

35. he can senglish and french.

36. he is very忙碌的).

37. we water these new树) every day.

38. chinese people use筷子) to h**e dinner.

39. —what are you doing? —i’m看) a book.

40. many people like going to the乡村) to spend their holidays now.

c.句型转换。(每小题2分, 共10分)

41. i am going to visit my friends in guilin this holiday.(改为一般疑问句)

going to visit your friends in guilin this holiday?

42. he walks in the park every day. (改为否定句)

hein the park every day.

43. why not go to the park? (改为同义句)

going to the park

44. they are playing basketball on the playground. (就划线部分提问)

are theyon the playground?

clean the house on sunday. (用进行时改写句子)

theythe house now.


a: good morning!

b: good morning!

a: are you 46your homework?


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