
发布 2023-02-18 05:24:28 阅读 9451




命题人:王玲芝预期难度值:0.7 审题人:八年级英语组



1a.english b. japanesec. chinese

2.( a. wordb. workc. world

3a. liveb. likec. look

4.( a .andb. anyc. many

5.( a .canadab .francec .australia


) she is from america. b. she is from the united kingdom. is from australia.

( )7. a. she is thirteen years old.

b. she is fourteen years old. c.

judy’s age is twelve..

8. a. a friend of simon’s. b. ben

( )9 a. in chinab. in singaporec. in japan

10. a. englandb.


)11. tony and maria want to go to a park to see animals.

( )likes lions and tigers.

doesn’t like big animals.

want to take a taxi to the zoo.

( )15. tony and maria will h**e fun in the zoo.



21. the play phone isthe library.

22. the supermarket isthe hotel.

23. i sit lucynancy.

24. go andright at the first crossing.

25. iyou’ll h**e a good


六. 根据句意及所给的首字母提示完成单词。10分。

)26. what language does she s___

)27. i think china is a very interesting c

)28. they are reading in the l

)29. go straight and t___left, the no. 10 middle school is beside the bank.

)30. -what a___do you like?

i like elephants.

)31. -where does a doctor work?

-- in a h___

)32. his father is a p___thieves(贼) don’t like him.

)33 my mother is w___tv.

)34. -how is the w___in yi chang.

-- it’s sunny.

)35. i am s___they can play beach volleyball in this heat.


) great man-- yang liwei is __china.

a. to b. from c. atd. for

)37. i h**e a house __a small beautiful garden.

a. onb. atc. ind. with

in the office.

a. what is she doingb. what is she?

c. where does she workd. are you working?

)39. -where is the supermarket?

it’s __the post office __the library.

a. between … to b. between … and c. across … from d. next … to

)40. look! the dolphins __in the water.

a. are swimming b. is swimming c. swim d. swims

)41. let’s __football with them after school.

a. playing b. to play c. plays d. play

)42. -what does he do?

a. he is fineb. he plays games.

c. he is an actord. he wants to be a reporter.

)43. -would you like __for us __a bank clerk?

i’d love to.

a. work, as b. to work, as c. working, for d. to work, with

)44. the blacks __tv in the room and they like the show very much.

a. are watching b. is watching c. watching d. to watch

)45. -what kind of movies do you like?

i like __

a. comedies b. paintings c. trumpets d. volleyball

-- it’s windy.

a. how is it goingb. how is that

c. how is the weatherd. do you like the weather

)47. -how is your summer holiday(暑假) going?

a. hot b. great c. sure d. of course

)48. i don’t like math, it’s __difficult.

a. also b. tooc. often d. not

)49. -let’s go to the beach today.

a. good idea b. good luck c. good day d. good morning.

)50. -what does your sister __

she is a teacher.


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