
发布 2023-02-17 10:22:28 阅读 8762

一、单选。 ) 1. -where __he come fromhe __from beijing.

a. is, is b. do, comes c. does, comes d. do, come

) 2. -which country’s capital is londonit’s __

a. japan b. canada c. the unites kingdom d. singapore

) 3. here’s a letter __jim __his friend __the usa.

a. to, in, from b. from, to, in c. in, to, from d. from, in,to\

) 4. lily can speak __chinese.

a. many b. lot c. a little d. few of

) 5. -is there a hospital __your houseyes, there is. it’s __fifth **enue.

a. next, between b. where, through c. near, on d. 空,in

) 6. this is a __parka. cleans b. cleaning c. cleaner d. clean

) 7. my uncle tells us __story.

a. an interesting b. a interesting c. an interested d. an interest

) 8. the girl is __shy. a. very much b. a kind c. much d. kind of

) 9do you like dogs?

because they are very clever.

a. why b. what c. where d. who

) 10. my kid brother often __his friends.

a. play b. plays c. play with d. plays with

) 12. excuse me. could you __the station?

a. tell me the way to b. show me the way to

c. tell me how to get to d. a, b and c

) isn’t __water in the bottle. could you get __for me?

a. any, some b. some, some c. any, any d. some, any

) 14. jim is very active. he __people.

a. likes talking to b. likes talk to c. likes talking to d. likes talking

) 15. do you want __an international football player?

a. to be b. be c. like d. to

) 16. -do you h**e a job

a. my job is a worker. b.

yes, i’m a worker. c. i don’t h**e a job.

d. i h**e a job as a worker

) 17. -are they working near the house

a. yes, they are b. yes, there are c. no, they don’t d. no, i’m not

) 18. he isn’t __to the teacher.

a. listening b. listen c. listenning d. listens

) 19. _close the window, please.

a. not b. don’t c. does d. doing

) 20. -do you likeno, i don’t.

a. cold weather b. a cold weather c. cold day d. coldy day


1. the frenchmen are all __friend) to us2. this is the __begin) of the garden tour.

3. i like __talk) to people4. i think the dolphin is an __interest) animal.

5. _thief) are afraid of him6. don’t __talk) with other people.

7. you can __read) books in your school library. 8.

does your mother go __shop) on sunday?

9. the __one) lesson is very difficult10. it looks like rain. it __be) cloudy.


cleaning my room.(改为一般疑问句youroom?

2. what’s the weather like today?(同义句the weather today?

3. he is reading a book.(改为复数形式are reading __

4. mr green lives in new york.(对划线部分提问)

mr green live?

5. they are eating dinner.(同上)

___are they __

6. she is a chinese teacher in that school.(同义句)

shein that school.

7. he likes koalas.(改为一般疑问句)

___he __koalas?

8. i want to see the lions because they’re cute.(对划线部分提问)

you want see the lions?

9. there are some bags in the bag.(否定句)

therebags in the bag.

10. he speaks english.(同上)



1. 她说哪种语言?

does she speak?

2. 我不喜欢科学,因为它太难。

i don’t like physics, it’s

3. 公用**在图书馆对面。

the pay phone isthe library.


just go __and turn __it’s next to a __


bridge street is a good place to

6. 它经常白天睡觉,晚上起来工作。

he usually __during the day , but he gets up and works


books do you like?

8. 坐在这儿很无聊。

___here is very __

9. 这儿有几张我全家的**。

here are somemy family.

10. 谢谢你收看**电视台世界各地节目。


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