
发布 2023-02-09 20:33:28 阅读 8361



a. lunch b. chinese c. seven d. rice e. english f. nine

g. breakfast h. chicken i. five j. pe k. dinner l. bread




1.( drink some milka.踢足球。

2.( music classb.喝牛奶。

3.( play footballc.起床。

4.( get upd.**课。

5.( hurry upe.去操场。

6.( go to schoolf.体育课。

7.( pe classg.快点儿。

8.( go to the playgroundh.稍等一会儿。

9.( just a minutei.去上学。


)1. time __go to bed. a. at b. for c. to

)2. it’s 5:00. it’s time to go __

a. to home b. home c. school

)3. —what __is it? —it’s 1:00.

a. the time b. a time c. time

)4. it’s___it’s time to h**e dinner.

a. 11:00 b.

)5. —where___you? —i’m __new york.

a. are; in b. is; in c. are; on

)6. it’s 5 o’clock .it’s time to __home.

a. go b. go to c going

)7. —school islet’s go to the playground.

—ok. a. begin b. over c. go

)8 it’s 7:30. breakfast is___a. h**e b. eat

)9. it’s time __music class. a. to b. for c. with

)10is it? —it’s 9:30.

a. what’s time b. what time c. what


一)a. what time is itb. time go home ,kids!

six o’clock. it’s time for dinner.

二)a. breakfast is ready. b. it’s time to go to school!

eight o’clock. time to get up


)1. 你想知道现在几点了,你问:

a. what is it? b. what time is it now? c. what time is it there?

)2. 你想说到吃晚饭的时候了,你说:

a. it’s time for breakfast. b. it’s time for lunch. c. it’s time for dinner.

)3. 你邀请别人和你一起唱歌跳舞时,你说:

a. let’s sing and danceb. let’s ready and write.

c. let’s jump and run.

)4. 你想说你准备好了时,你说。

a. i’m readyb. hurry upc. wake up.


a. i want to sleep. b. i’m late for school. c. it’s time to go to school.


a. it’s time for jump and run.

b. it’s time for music class. let’s sing and dance.

c. it’s time for lunch. let’s h**e some chicken.

d. it’s time for english class. let’s read and write.

e. it’s time for breakfast. let’s drink some milk

f. it’s time for dinner. let’s eat some rice.


jim: hello, amy! amyjim.

jimamy: it’s nine thirty.

jim: ohare you ready?

amy: _let’s go to the gym. jim


chen jie : what time is it?

mike: it’s in new york. it’s time to

wu yifan: it’s 9:00 in brasiliait’s time for school.

amy:it’s 12:00 in london. it’s time for

zhang peng: it’s in beijing. it’s time to

john: it’s 10:00 in sydney. it’s time to


hi. i’m tom. i’m a boy.

i get up at 6:30. i eat breakfast at 7:

00. i go to school at 7:00.

i h**e english class at 8:00. at 9:

00, it’s time for match class. i h**e music class at 10:00.

i eat lunch at 12:00. it’s time for pe class at 1:

30. i go home at 4:00.

it’s time to go to bed at 9:00 it’s my day. how about you?

)1. i get up at 6:302. i eat breakfast at 7:30.

)3. i h**e chinese class at 8:00. (4. i go home at 4:00.

)5. it’s 9:00. time to go to bed



教学方案。课题。unit 2 what time is it?教学时间的表达以及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。主要句型是 whattimeisit?目标。it s it s time for it s time to 重点能听,会说以上句型。教。难点能在实际情景中运用。材。教具单词卡,教学挂图,录音。...


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