学年人教版四年级上Unit2综合练习题 英语 加精

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///unit two综合练习题。





二、默写从j j到r r的大小写字母。


1.i h**e 3书)2. what color is your尺子)3.how many __do you h**e?(铅笔盒)4.

show me your __包)5. look, 41 __铅笔)6.ican see a new __钢笔)


c. what’s date today?


a. how old are you?b.

how do you do?c. how are you?


a. hello!b. nice to meet you!c. where are you from?


a. after thank me.()5、,如果你想看看别人的东西,应有礼貌地问:

a. may i look?b. may i h**e a look?c. may i see?


c. what’s in you schoolbag?




a. put your eraser on the put your eraser in your eraser near the desk..


a.how many chinese book do you h**e?

bhow many chinese books do you h**e? many chinese books can you see?


a. all here you thank you.


)1. ais your story book?b: it’s purple.

a. whatb. wherec. what colour

) 2. a: _books do you h**e?b: i h**e seven.

a. whob. howc. how many() 3. a: _is your seat ?

b: it’s near the door.

a. whatb. wherec. who() 4. a: _i h**e a look?b: sure. here you are.

a. manyb. mayc. do

) 5. a:__chinese books can you see?b: 31

manyb. how muchc. what colour() it?

a. h**e __books.

a. ab. muchc. many() 8. how many __can you see?

a. chinese bookb. chinese booksc. chinese books() 9. what___in your desk?

are) 10. thirteen and eighteen is___

a. thirty-oneb. thirty onec. five

)11. theresix books in my isb. arec. am

)12. there __a pen and six and pencils in my isb. amc. are


) are these?a. no, i don’t.()many english books are there?b. forty-one.

) those math books?.c. i can see fifty-three.

()many story-books can you see?d. they are rulers.

) you like the notebook?e. no, they aren’t.


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