PEP四年级英语下册Unit4 练习题

发布 2023-02-06 19:27:28 阅读 5682

pep四年级英语下册unit4 at the farm 课时练习题。

第一课时。一. 英汉对译

1. tomatoesa.豆角。

2. potatoesb.胡萝卜。

3. carrotsc.西红柿。

4. green beansd.马铃薯,土豆。

5. thesee.这些。


1. a. carrot b. potato c. banana

2. a. yellow b. red c. tomato

3. a. green beans b. big c. small

4. a. they b. these c. that


1. a:__are these?

bare tomatoes.

a: yes, but they __yellow.

2. a: are __carrots?

b: yes, they __

3. wow! they __so big!

第二课时。一. 排一排,写一写。

1. at look green the beans

2. potatoes are the big

3. are what they

二. 读一读,选一选。

1. i likethey are fresh and orange.

2. i like __they are long and green.

3. i like __they are big and red.

4. i like __they are big and brown.


马 h_ _se叉子f_ _k

作业 homew_ _k世界地图 w_ _ld map

二. 读一读,判断每组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打√ ,不同的打× 。

) hamburger

) 4. world map fork

三. 选择正确答案。

1. 当你想让别人尝试一些的时候,你说___

a. try some. b. thanks

2. 当你问别人这些是什么时,你说___

a. they are so big. b. what are they?


a. are these carrots? b. are these tomatoes?

第四课时。一. 选出正确答语。

thisa. it’s a dog.

many horses do you h**e? b. they are horses.

these hensc. seventeen.

are thesed. no,they aren’t.


1. they are __tomato). is)red.

___is) they? is a __potato).

these __hen)? are __sheep).


1. _these horses?

a. yes, they aren’t. b. no they are. c. yes, they are.

2. _are they?they are green beans.

a. what b. where c. who

3. are __hens?a. that b. these c. this




1. hen2.


a: oh, this farm is so big

2) 文化优势b: they’re lambs. a


购买行为有较强的感**彩,比起男生热衷于的网络游戏,极限运动,手工艺制品更得女生的喜欢。b: they are nine.

ab: no, they aren’t. they’re cows. they are fat.


如图(1-4)ab: they are white and black.

a: look, are these hens? b



判断对错。it’s a sunny day in the farm today. my aunt has a farm.

the farm is very small. they are 12 horses, 6cows and 15 hens. my aunt likes tomatoes very much.

so she has many tomatoes in the farm. look! the tomatoes are red.

they are very beautiful!

标题:大学生“负债消费“成潮流 2024年3月18日( )my aunt has a big farm.

400-500元 13 26%( 2. there are twelve horses.

) 3. the tomatoes are green.

)4my aunt likes patotoes very much.

) 5. it’s sunny in the farm today.

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