四年级英语教学质量阶段反馈 2

发布 2023-02-06 19:28:28 阅读 5503




1. 看图,判断你听到的内容是否与图相符,相符画√,不符画×。(10分)

2. 听音,选择你听到的内容,将其序号填在提前括号内。(10分)

) 1)a. bedb. bagc. book

) 2)a. subject b. student c. science

) 3)a. listenb. lesson c. lunch

) 4)a. sunday b. saturday c. study

) 5)a. pencil

) 6)a. on weekdays b. on weekends

) 7)a. on thursday b. on tuesday

) 8 ) a. i like artb. i like art best.

) 9)a. go to the theme park b. go to the park

) 10)a. what day is today? b. how’s the weather today?

3. 听音,根据所给情景选择最佳答案,在正确答案的括号内画√。(10分)

1)你想知道别人今天上午有几节课,你应说: a ( b (

2)你想知道别人最喜欢什么学科,应说: a ( b (

3)你想知道别人是否喜欢戏剧,应说:a ( b( )

4)你想知道别人英语课上做什么,应说: a( )b( )

5)你想问别人一周有几天,应问: a( )b( )

6)你想告诉别人我们在周二有体育课,应说:a( )b( )

7)你想知道今天是周几,应问:a( )b( )

8) 今天是周三,应说:a( )b( )

9)你想知道露西周末通常会干什么,应问:a( )b( )

10)露西说她在周末通常去上英语课,应说:a( )b( )

4. 听问句选答句。(5分)

)1)a. yes, i dob. no, i do.

)2)a .we h**e sixb. we are six.

)3)a. yes, they areb. they are maths, chinese and pe.

)4)a. it’s mondayb. it’s sunday.

)5)a. on monday and tuesday. b. we h**e three.

5. 根据听到的内容在横线上填写所缺单词。(5分)

1)how many __do you h**e in the afternoon?

2) we play and

3) when do you h**e __lessons?

4) what __do you like best?

5) what do you usually do on


1. 看图写单词。(20分)


1).good morning. this is __we) new english teacher.

2). what do you __do) in an english class?

3). what’s the __one) day of the week?

4). lucyh**e) four classes this morning.

5). there are seven __day) in a week.

3. 单项选择。(15分)

) 1). what __your mother __

a. does, does b. does, do c. do, does

) 2). do you like english?

a. yes, i like. b. yes, i do. c. yes, i am.

) 3). i like __i can __well.

a. sing, music b. music, sing c. singing, music

) 4). we do all kinds __things in english. a. in b. on

) 5). are these cucumbers?

a. yes, they are. b. yes, there are. c. no, they are.

) 6). can i play __my toy car? a. with b. at c. and

) 7). in the bedroom? b. what’s c. when

) 8). there __some juice in the cup. a. is b. are c. isn’t

) 9). let’s __school together.

a. going b. go to c. to go

) 10).i usually h**e an art lesson __friday. a. in b. on c. at

) 11).let’s count ina. three b. threes c. to three

) 12).give __a quick answer. a. i b. me

) 13).how many books __on the table?

a. there are b. are there c. is there

) 14).there is a fridge in the __

a. kitchen b. chicken c. bedroom

) 15)._is the first day of the week.

a. sunday b. monday c. saturday

4. 组句。(10分)

1) do, what, you, do, usually, saturdays, on

2) are, there, days, in, a, week, seven

3) day, is, what, today

4) do, you, what, do, an, english, in, class

5)many, lessons, how, you, do, today, h**e

5. 根据问句选答句。(5分)

1) (what day is todaya. yes, it is.

2) (do you like peb. we h**e four.

3) (how many desks are there in your class? c. it’s saturday.

4) (how many lessons do you h**ed. yes, i do.


盘龙中心学校2017 2018学年度第一学期。四年级英语期中考试质量分析。本次考试参试人数8人,最高分99分,最低分79分,人均分91.3分,总体来看,成绩不是很理想,并且差距悬殊。本次试题全是笔试,没有听力,考察的范围较为全面,涉及的知识面较广,基本覆盖了学习的知识点,题目具有典型性和代表性,题型...


四年级随堂小练习。班级学号姓名。一 把词语补充完整。而来风 雨飞舞。不生情不不息。二 词语辨析。宁静幽静安静平静僻静。1 五个孩子在海风呼啸中 地睡着,他们的呼吸均匀而 2 冬天的山村一到夜里格外 3 我和妈妈一起漫步在 的林荫小道。4 寺院建在一处 的后山,鸟语为乐,竹林成伴。三 运用合适的关联词...


上学期情况 上学期期末试卷,依据教材,紧扣大纲,全面考查全部教学内容。从整体上来说,注重了基础知识的考查,包括单词的听选 听音选择等,以督促学生学好课本知识为主,从易到难,从简到繁,符合学生心理,面向了全体学生,既考查了优等生,又照顾了学困生,总的来说成绩还是不错。根据上学期的情况,本学期应注重以下...