
发布 2023-02-02 07:55:28 阅读 1948



1、为**选择合适的单词,并将其字母标号填在相应的括号内。(10分 )

a. shoes b. fan c. light d. key e. schoolbag

f. glasses g. candy h. teacher’s desk i. toy


turn on the light打开门。

put your maths book in your bag张贴**。

open the door打开灯。

put up the picture把你的数学书放进书包里。


( )1、 a、 window b、black board c、 black

( )2、 a、 colour b、 chinese book c、 math book

( )3、 a、 thin b、 strongc、 door

( )4、 a、 strong b、 quietc、 hair

( )5、 a、 desk b、 chair c、 computer game

( )6、 a、 teacher b、 student c、 school

( )7、 a、 under b、 near c、 where


( )1、how many __do you h**e?

b .pencil

( )2、i h**e a sister. _name is lily.

a 、his b、 she c、 her

( )3、__is my book?

( )4、__is she? she is amy.

( )5、__colour is it?

c. who

( )6、let __clean the window.

a .i ( )my friend.

8. we h**e six new __

a, lightb, fansc, pen

9. she __my friend. she __long hair.

a, is; h**eb, is; has c, are; has


black strong long big old

short small white new thin

六、从b 栏中找出a栏相对应的答语。(10分)

a )1、how many pencils do you h**ea. his name is mike.

)2、where is my story books.

)3、what colour is this you.

) 4、what is his h**e three pencils.

)5、what’s in the schoolbage. it is near the door.

) 6、let me help is my good friend.

)7、how many english books can you see? is orange.

)8、who is your good is my sister.

)9、what do you see five.

)10、who is like english.


amy:hi!chen jie, ia new schoolbag.

chen jie:really?

amy:look!it is black and white.

chen jie:wow!it is a panda!

in your schoolbag?

amy: english book, maths book ,threeand...

chen jie:it’s a panda!


1. chair where the is

2. see let’s and go

3. big is so it

4. near window the it’s

5. shoes his are blue


i h**e a name is wang is ten years old..she is from is has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black hair. she likes english very much..

she likes chinese ,math, are good friends.

)1、wang chen is a boy.

)2、she is twelve.

)3、she has a big mouth.




( 4、she likes english very much.


四年级英语期中测试题。学校班级姓名成绩。一 听录音判断正确的 用 符号表示 10分 二 听录音,看 并填上序号 10分 2 8分 三 听录音看 并连线 8分。四 听录音选择正确的答案序号写在横线上4分 1 i often play i am good at.a football b tennis c...


2013 2014学年度第一学期四年级英语期中调研题。答卷时间60分钟,满分100分 听力部分。一 听录音排序,按单词在句子中提到的顺序,在括号里标号。10 stapler big history call play fly birthday today badminton violin 二二 听句...


固原市原州区第十二小学期中测试卷英语。姓名班级得分 一 补全单词。10分 e 居住 t 左边 n 能够,会 鸡蛋 a 中国 at 船 y 买 d 读,阅读 ll 小山 n 跑,奔跑 二 给下列单词填上 ing。20分 形式形式。形式形式。形式形式。ing形式形式。形式10.row ing形式 三 选...