
发布 2023-02-02 07:52:28 阅读 2673


d_ _ner(正餐) w_ _ther(天气) cl_ _dy(多云的)

cl__ss(班级) co_put_ _计算机) l ch(午饭)

sn_ _y(下雪的) o__er(结束l__br_ry(图书馆)



) jeans d. shoes

) lunch

) too c. one d. nine

) c. math

) green



hurry uphow about


just a minuteplay football


1. look at thea, 1, w, 1),please.

2. i like musics, 1, s, c, a) .

3w, e, h, e,r) is the washroom?

4. we h**e six newn, f, a, s).

5. the skirt ish,t,w,i,e).


)1. that is___classroom.

) classroom is on the __floor.

) 3. -do you h**e a library?

is. do. isn't.

) 4. -wow,your school is cool!

you. welcome.

) 5. my shoes new.

) 6. is this your skirt

a. yes,they're. b. no,it's not. c. no, they aren't.

) 7. i like the red t-shirt __the black pants.

) 8. how many __are there in your class?

) 9. it's 12:00. it's time __lunch.

a. tob. forc. at

) 10.当你听到别人在图书馆大声喧哗时,你应说:--

a. don't push in the library.

b. don't drink or eat in the library.

c. be quiet in the library.

六。 把下列单词分类,把序号写在横线上。(10分)

jacket ②nine ③black ④math ⑤shirt

gray ⑦three ⑧ green




) this a teacher's desk? a. ok!

) cap is itb. yes, it is.

) colour is itc. it's my brother's.

) are theyd. red.

)'s go to the playground. e. they are pants.


1. tv it's watch time to(.)

2. go h**e let's a look and (.

3. time is it what now (?

4. are those my shoes(.)

5. colour what it is (?

九。 阅读理解,从ab两个句子中,选择合适的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。(10分)

today is sunday. it's my birthday. i get up at 6:

30. i put on my new yellow shirt and blue jeans. i like my red shoes.

i eat some bread and drink milk at 7:00 for breakfast. at 7:

25, i go to school. at 9:00, i go to the library.

it's on the second floor. i read a story-book there. i go home at 11:

30.) get up at

a. six twenty b. six thirty

) colour is my new shirt

a. yellow b. blue

) library is on thefloor.

) h**efor breakfast.

a. bread and milk and rice

) like the shoes.

十。根据下面情景, 选择恰当的选项。 (4分)

) 1. 当你向别人询问时间时, 应说:__

a. what's it?

b. what time is it ?

c. what colour is it?


a. h**e lunch.

b. lunch is ready.

c. it's lunch.


a. let's go to school.

b. let's run.

c. let's go home.

4. 当我想知道我的裙子在**时,应说。

a. where is my skirt?

b. where is my shoes?

c. where is your skirt?

2019春期中四年级英语 定稿

2015年春季期中教学质量检测。四年级英语。40分钟完成,总分100分 听力部分 五个大题,共60分 一 听音标号。根据你所听到的单词给下列相应的 用l 的顺序标号。每小题读两遍。共计10分 二 听音选择。20分 a 听辩字母或短语。从a b选项中选出你所听到的一项,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。每...


2015 2016学年度第二学期四年级数学期中考试卷。一 填空 第3题2分,其余每空1分,共21分 028读作九百八十点零四写作。05扩大到它的 倍是2050,把65缩小到它的 是0.65。3 把下列数从小到大排列 4.在计算890 189 25 4 时,应先算 法,再算 法,最后算法。5.根据32...


滨淮镇中心小学。2014 2015春学期四年级语文期中质量调研卷。一 卷面分。5分。二 字 词 句。1.根据语境写字,并加上合适的标点。5.5分 3.5分。生活在滨淮镇的人们 业余生活很丰富他们喜欢在穿镇而过的。qm oy 那条 边钓鱼 用 草编各种篮子 以至于田里的 子和菜园里的 g 菜 还 得上...