
发布 2023-02-01 19:43:28 阅读 7921

unit 4 my home (part a let’s learn & let’s do)



学情分析 四年级学生的年龄在。




1.能够简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间的名称特征等,如:this is my house .

it’s big . i h**e a living room .this is my bed .

2.能够听懂并发出指令,如:go to the living room ,watch tv.

知识目标。熟练掌握单词bedroom ,bathroom ,living room, kitchen ,study.理解let’s do 部分的内容并能听指令做动作。

情感态度 培养学生对家的热爱,鼓励学生大胆想象自己未来的家居。注重合作学习。


掌握单词bedroom ,bathroom ,living room, kitchen ,study.让学生在语言的学习和活动中听说认读单词。


step 1 warm-up

1. free talk: t: what’s this in english?

s: it’s a monkey/panda/….

t: where are they?

s: they are in the zoo.

2. sing:《they are in the zoo》 (**歌曲vcd,跟唱)

t: now, let’s sing the song 《they are in the zoo》, ok?

ss: ok.

step 2 presentation

t: boys and girls, where are you now? (back-up: are you in the zoo? )

ss: (no.) we are in the classroom.

(由已学单词classroom引入bedroom, living room等新词的教学,并穿插let’s do内容的教学。)

1.呈现一个house (黑板上的房子)

t: what’s this?

ss: it’s a house.

t: this is my home.. let’s go inside and h**e a look.

ss: ok.

t: welcome to my home .(多**课件)

2.随着house门的打开进入到一个bedroom.(通过bed **room**的闪动组合,使学生有深刻的印象)

t: go, go, go, look! what’s this?

ss: it’s a bed .

t: (point to the bed and ask) what’s this?

ss: it’s a room.

t: good! so this is a bedroom..

将单词 bedroom呈现在画面上,并带读,同时要注意孩子们的发音是否正确,勿将bedroom念成bed-room。)

t: look! what can you see in the bedroom?

ss: i can see a bed .

t: look, he is sleeping. and i can h**e a sleep, too.

(教师辅以手势,帮助学生理解h**e a sleep,并与学生一起边做边学。)

t & ss: go to the bedroom. h**e a sleep.

3.呈现**bath 和** room

t: look! there is a small room.

it’s a---bathroom. (呈现新词,带读,注意bathroom 的发音,尤其是/th /的发音。 )

t: i am tired, i will take a shower. (带着动作教学,帮助学生理解take a shower,并使学生跟说跟做)

t & ss: go to the bathroom. take a shower.


t: then i want to watch tv. i should go to the living room.

look,it’s a living room. (带读,read it one by one.)

t: what can you see in the living room?

ss: i can see a tv. (chair, desk, …

t: good. so i can watch tv in the living room. (做动作感受watch tv)

t & ss: go to the living room. watch tv.


t: oh, i am hungry now. (教师做出hungry的样子) let’s h**e a snack. (重复若干遍,并使学生跟学,然后呈现kitchen的画面)

t: look! the kitchen.

let’s go to the kitchen and h**e a snack. (呈现新词kitchen,带读,个别读,提醒学生勿把kitchen念成chicken)

t & ss: go to the kitchen.

h**e a snack.

5.从read a book引出study的教学

t: hm…, i am full now. i want to read a book. (呈现一幅read a book的画面,让学生理解跟说read a book)

t:(呈现背景study)where is miss…? is she in the bedroom?

ss: no.

t: is she in the living room?

ss: no.

t: is she in the kitchen?

ss: no.

t: oh, she’s in the---study. (呈现新词study,带读,个别读)

t & ss: go to the study. read a book.

step 3 practice

t: this is my home. do you like it?

ss: yes./ no.

t: let’s h**e a look again.

1. go through the words “bedroom, living room, kitchen, study, bathroom” with pictures.

2. 指单词竞赛:go to the living room/….

rules: 将全班同学分成两组(男生组和女生组),教师先将bedroom等单词图卡贴在黑板上,每组每次分派一名选手到台前,听老师(或某一学生)口令:go to the….



example: t: look! which room is it? can you guess?

s1: living room

s2: kitchen..

s3: bedroom.

t: let’s see who’s right. oh, …is right. (为该组加一分)



t: i can read a book.. 表演动作read a book)

s: study.


5.let’s do

1) listen to the teacher and do:

2) listen to the tape and do: (try to say and do).

step 4 extension

任务:小小设计家:my dream home充分发挥想象,设计一套房子并布置各个房间,在各个房间里画上一些学过的物品。并介绍给大家。

step 5 homework


welcome to my home

板书设计unit 4 my home a let’s learn let’s do

bedroom bathroom living room kitchen study

this is …

i h**e a …

it’s …

教学反思 本课主要围绕家展开一系列的话题,这些房间都是我们非常熟悉,而且和我们息息相关的。在设计过程中,我力求以开展有意义的活动为核心,使学习和生活有机结合,通过在活动中完成教学,让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学会英语,培养学生的学习兴趣和自主学习能力。


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