
发布 2023-01-06 01:01:28 阅读 8372








) 1. a. yes, she thinks so. b. no, she doesn’t think so.

c. she thinks there will be less pollution.

) 2. a. his clothes are not in style.

b. he should buy some new clothes.

c. his clothes are in style.

) 3. a: she was eating ice-cream.

b. she was standing in front of the center store.

c. she was in the ufo.

) 4. a. lana b. mary c. marcia

)5. a. on saturday. b. on friday. c. on sunday.




( )1. the father and the son went shopping

a. on foot b. by car c. by bike

( )2. when they finished their shopping

a. they got a problem b. they met a policeman

c. they were very tired

( )3opened the door of the car at last.

a. the father b. the son c. the policeman

( )4. the owner of the car was angry

a. to find his car b. to see the policeman

c. to see somebody open the door of his car

( )5. they didn’t know it was the wrong car until they looked at __of the car.

a. the door b. the number c. the colour


i.单项选择 (15分)

( )1. there __a computer in everyone's house in the future.

a. will h**e has c. will be d. is

( )2. -will there be fewer trees

there willb. yes, they will.

c. no, there aren’t. d. no, they won’t.

( )3. lin tao is good at computer and he wants to be a __in the future.

a. astronautb. computer programmer

c. engineerd. actor

( )4. his friend isthan him.

a. popularb. popularer

c. the most popular d. more popular.

( )doesn't want to talk about it __the phone.

a. in b. toc. for d. on

( )6. _the boy was walking down the street, the ufo landed.

a. while b. when c. what d. where

( )7. -what were you doing at 9 o'clock last sunday morning.

ia. did my homework b. am doing my homework

c. do my homework d. was doing my homework

( )said shea surprise party for lana on friday night.

a. would h**e b. will h**e c. would has d. can h**e

( )9. lana said she wasn't mad at marcia

a. anyone b. anything c. anybody d. anymore

( )10. please give me __envelope, i want to write a letter to my father.

a. ab. an c. the d. /

( )11. if you stay at home, you __sorry.

a. h**e to b. will be c. are d. should

( )need a lot of moneywinter camp.

a. to pay on b. to pay for c. paying for d. to pay at

( )13. i’m going to __time with my grandparents this vacation.

a. cost b. take c. spend d. pay

( )14. he doesn’t h**e any money, _

a. too b. also c. neither d. either

( )15. my friend has the same haircuti do.

a. asb. like c. seem d. looks like


1.one day peoplefly) to the moon for vacation.

2.my friendkeep) a pet in his house.

3.i don’t wantargue).let’s forget it.

4.the girlrun) when she saw a car accident.

5.don’tshout)! i can hear you.

6.he said ibe) hard-working.

7.while my mother was cooking, ido) the housework.

8.if you don’t hurry, yoube) late.

9.shevisit) you in three days.

10. you shouldsay) sorry to her tomorrow.



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