
发布 2022-12-12 20:50:28 阅读 2598



1) 听力部分(20分)

. 听句子,选择恰当的应答语,读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

) 1. are welcome. b.no,she can't. c.yes,sure.

) 2.'m not. b.well,i hate it too. c.that's right.

) 3. should h**e a rest. b.i'm sorry to hear that.

c.why not call your parents and ask them to bring it here?

) 4. i don't. b.i don't think so. c.yes, you do.

) 5. i am. b.no, i can't. c.yes, i do.

. 听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择正确答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

) 6.a.she had a fever. b.she had a coldc.she cut herself.

) 7.a.eating an apple. b.doing the housework. c.watching tv.

) 8.a.talk with tom. b.argue with tomc.call tom for the book.

) 9.a.in the library. b.in the classroomc.at home.

) 10.a.sweep the floor. b.do her homeworkc.h**e her dinner.

. 听句子,选择与其意思相符的**,读两遍。(有一幅多余的**)(每小题1分,共5分)

. 听短文,选择正确的答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

)16.what did the farmer like?

a.food. b.clothes. c.money.

)17.what did the farmer keep and never used?

a.horses. b.gold coins. c.chickens.

)18.where did the farmer put the box?

a.in his house. b.in the ground. c.in his bedroom.

)19.how often did the farmer look at it?

a.every day. b.twice a week. c.three times a day.

)20.why did the man ask the farmer to put a stone in the ground instead?

a.because he never used it. b.because he never g**e it to others.

c.because he never had it.



21. his father is rhis bike, because it doesn't work.

22. i found it difficult to fall alast night.

23. they went to the beach iof climbing mountains.

24. if you h**e problems, you should cwith your parents or teachers.

25. can you lyour english book to me? i left mine at home.


) 26. when the old woman woke up, she foundin the hospital.

a.himself b.herself c.myself d.itself

) 27.the people here met a lot of difficulties, but they neverhope.

a.picked up b.g**e up c.looked for d.waited for

) 28.my old neighbor charles feltafter his children moved out.

a.lonely b.boring c.happily d.angrily

) 29.at times, parents find it difficultwith their children.

a.talkb.talkedc.talkingd.to talk

) 30delicious food my mother cooks every day!

a.what ab.whatc.howd.how a

) 31.the companysam a good job, but he didn't like it.

a.providedb.offered c.passed d.introduced

) 32.-i don’t know when __tomorrow.

i will call you as soon as he

a.will be come; arrives b.he will come; arrives

c.he will come; will arrive d.does he come; will arrive

) 33.when tom got my home, my familydinner.

a.were h**ing b.h**ing c.is h**ing d.are h**ing

) 34.i met a friend of minei was walking in the park.


) 35.at last he __studying hard was very important. he decided to study harder.


. 交际运用从方框内选出合适的选项(方框内有一个选项与对话内容无关)。(5分)

a: hi, john!

b: hello, alice!

a:i called you at 8:00 this morning, but there was no reply.

b: i was shopping at that time.

a: 36

b: yes, i bought two t-shirts and a pair of sports shoes. 37

a: 38

b: it took me the whole morning. i hate shopping in the crowded shop.

a: 39 but i like shopping online.

b: shopping online?

a: yes, it’s fast and easy. 40

b: i think i’ll h**e a try next time.


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