
发布 2022-12-30 03:41:28 阅读 8458

新目标八年级英语上学期unit 10同步测试卷。

b) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写。(10分)

6. it is well known that yao ming is a p___basketball player.

7. little tom lives s___near our school.

8. beijing will h___the 29th olympic games.

9. english coaching ***** is popular with (受欢迎) r

10. look!farmers are b___their new houses.

ii. 单项选择。(10分)

11. i'm going to be a basketball player like yao ming andbasketball every day.

a. practice b. enter c. do d. keep

12. what is your planthe future,peter?

a. of b. to c. in d. for

13. he is going toto new york with his parents.

a. take b. move c. bring d. stay

14. i'm going tosome money to tr**el somewhere interesting.

a. keep b. build c. s**e d. hold

15. what are you going to domake the 2008 olympic games a great success?

a. to help b. helping c. help d. helped

16. i love music very much, so i'm going to learn how toan instrument this term.

a. keep b. play c. hold d. build

17. all parents should __better with their children.

a. learn b. exercise c. communicate d. work

18. i want to be a news***** reporter because italking with all kinds of people.

a. want b. enjoy c. hope d. wish

19. i'm going to tr**el abroad (国外) and new york soundsmy dream city.

a. as b. to be c. as if d. like

20. tofit, you should take 15-minute exercise every day.

a. keep b. turn c. sound d. build

iii. 句型转换。(10分)


21. mr green is going to tr**el around the world. (改为同义句)

mr green is going to tr**elthe world.

22. the twins are going to the park tonight. (改为否定句)

the twinsgoing to the park tonight.

23. she is going to beijing by train. (对划线部分提问)

she going to bejing?

24. there are over one hundred boys on the playground. (改为同义句)

there areone hundred boys on the playground.

25. we are going to play football next saturday. (对划线部分提问)

you going tonext saturday?

iv. 根据应答语从方框中选出适当的问句补全对话。(10分)

peter: _26___

linda: i'm going to be a teacher when i grow up.

peter: _27___

linda: i'm going to work harder in school this year. and i'm going to get a part-time job.

peter: _28___

linda: i want to put some money in the bank. i'll need money for college.

peter: _29___

linda: i want to work with computer.

peter: that sounds great!

v. 完形填空。(10分)

it's wednesday afternoon. school is __30__.the students are putting their books, pencil-boxes__31__ their school bags.

the teacher comes in and says to the students, "don't go, children. i h**e __32__ to tell you. listen to me.

tomorrow is __33__.there is going to __34__ a parents' meeting in our school. the meeting beat nine o'clock in the morning.

_35__ are your school reports and letters to your parents. _36__ them back home. give your parents the letters and __37__ them your school reports.

ask them__38__ to the meeting tomorrow, because i'm__39__ say something about next term."

30. a. up b. on c. under d. over

31. a. into b. to c. on d. out

32. a. anything b. nothing c. something d. everything

33. a. monday b. thursday c. friday d. tuesday

34. a. h**e b. is c. be d. has

35. a. there b. this c. that d. here

36. a. bring b. carry c. take d. make

37. a. show b. watch c. see d. look

38. a. come b. to come c. coming d. comes

39. a. going b. go to c. will d. going to

vi.书面表达。 (20分)

根据汉语提示及要求,以"my dream job"为题用英语写一篇短文。

提示: 1. 想成为一名记者。

2. 打算给报纸、杂志写文章。

3. 高中毕业后想去北京上大学。

4. 想在一家电台工作并环游世界。

要求: 1. 条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范;

2. 提示内容全部体现在文章中;

3. 不少于60词。

参***:i. a) 1-5 ddbad b) 6.

professional 7. somewhere 8. hold / host 9.

readers 10. building

ii. 11. a 12.

d。要表达"..的计划",应使用"a / the plan for...

例如:旅行计划 a plan for a trip 13. b。

move to new york指"搬(家)到纽约"。 14. c。

keep some money指"保存钱";s**e some money指"储蓄(存)钱"。 15. a 16.

b 17. c。communicate with sb.

表示"与某人交流或沟通"。 18. b 19.

d 20. a

iii. 21. all over 22. are not 23. how is 24. more than 25. what are, do

iv. 26-29 badc

v. 30-34 dacbc 35-39 dcabd

my dream job


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