
发布 2022-07-23 12:52:28 阅读 8547

unit 8 周周清检测时间; 12月2日姓名。

一、 词组翻译。26分。

1 和朋友闲逛2买纪念品。







二、 根据惧意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词26分。

1. i usually sleep lon sunday morning , because i want to h**e a good rest .

2. he was ill last week , so he had two days o

3. there are many old things in her room .she wants to h**e a yard s___

4. it’s going to rain . you should take a ror an uwith you when you go out .

5. he wants to be a scientist(科学家) in the f

6幸运地),he found his car at last .

7. i bought a nice car. let’s go for a d

8. why were you so潮湿的) ?

9. he won first prize in the singing c

10. he helped me再次)。

11. tom got many gon his birthday.

12. i took off my coat and hit on a hook (衣钩)。

13. he w___first prize in the sports meeting.

三、 用所给词的适当形式填空10分。

1luck),i’m going to france for sightseeing with my father.

the children h**e funcamp)?

3last tuesday mr linot take) a class.

4. let’s talk aboutliving) in the future.

5. deng yaping is a famous ping-pongplay)

6. who __win) the firsr prize in the match ?

7.—where did you __go)?-igo) to the beach .

8 he___buy) a hamburger just now.

9be) you in beijing with your family last week ?-no, i wasn’t.

10 tinameet0 a famous actor in california last week .


was some milk shake in the bowl.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

___there __milk shake in the bowl ? yes

2. my brother went to school on foot yesterday .(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

___your brother __to school on foot yesterday ?no

3. i went for a drive yesterday evening . 改为否定句)

ia drive yesterday evening .

4. he watched a dolphin show in the pool .(提问)

hein the pool ?


1. -what does your brother usually do on weekends ?

---he usually闲逛)in the park.( hang )

2. emma’s uncle给她买了一个礼物 ) on her birthday .(buy)

3. -why does your daughter go to the children’s palace every sunday morning ?

---she上吉他课) there. (take)

4.--what did you do last saturday ?


5---you将要去拍照) in the zoo , right ?(take)--yes . do you want to go with me ?

6. who赢得了奖品)in the sports meeting ?(win)

7. i went to hongkong . it’s a nice place and i’d like再次参观)



a:how was your vacation ?

b: 1a :where did you go ?

b : 2it has so beautiful sunshine (阳光)there .did you h**e a good day off ?

a : 3b: where did you go ?

a: 4b : what a pity (可惜)! you should look after yourself well.

a: thank you. did you do anything interesting there ?

b: 5it was fantastic .

a: wow, that sounds great !

a. no , it was terrible .

b. well , i just stay at home, because i had a bad cold 。

c. he was at the beach.

d. it was interesting.

e. i went to hawaii .

f. yes, i went surfing with my friends.


八年级unit8周清试卷。1匆忙 v2珠宝 n 3.预定 adj4.岛 n 5.属于 v6.名著 n 7.大量的8.现代的 adj 9.赶快做某事10.科幻 11工具 n12.录制 v 13船 n14.南方的adj 15.笑声 n16.自从 17.行 n 18.互相 19.流行 n20.摇滚乐 n ...

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