八年级 上 英语测试题unit

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八年级(上)英语测试题 unit 1---3 姓名得分。

一.词组 (15) 写对一个給0.5分, 动词用原形。

1.多久一次2. 一个月一次3. 一周两次。

4.至于、关于5. 与…一样6.与…不同。


10.大量, 许多11. 感冒12.有压力的,紧张的13.患头痛14.几个,少数15.多久___

16.回来17.保持健康___in good___18. 此刻,现在。

19.去露营20.呆在家放松21. 去远足。


25. 考虑26. 决定……事27. 决定做某事28.完成做某事29.做些不同的事30.计划做某事。

31. 忘记要做某事32.呆上三星期。

33.玩得高兴34. 躺下休息35. 因为…而著名36. 多少次37.几乎不38. 下星期。

二。 词汇(10) 根据句意填词, 每对一个给0.5分。

1. my mother has a healthy lifestyle, she eats l___junk food but m___vegetables.

2. please tell me about your rof the test.

3. i'm sout, i shouldn't study tonight, i need to h**e a good r___

4. i'm tcan you give me something to drink?

5. i don't bthe story, it's not true(真实的).

6. my teacher is very a___with me because i'm late again.

7. he is very strong because he eevery day.

8. she doesn’t like soccer ball, so she h___ever plays soccer.

9. my eating hare pretty good, so i am very h

10. don't worry. m可能) he can help you.

11. can you tell me the dbetween the two pictures?

12. my grandfather is still healthy, ahe is over 80 years old.

13. i got good gwith the help of my english teacher last term(学期).

14. some students like sthe i网络).

15. can you work out the math p

16. yesterday my father fto lock(锁) the door when he left home.

17. some people like to live in cities, but others like to live in the c

18. i met many foreign tin jiuzhai valleys(九寨沟).

19. they r___a room from mrs white last week. 20. we should love n___and protect(保护) it.

21. classes begin at 7:40 in the morning and fat 5:00 in the afternoon.

22. china is ffor the great wall.

23. can you give me some aon how to study english well?

24. we walk with our fand eat with our t

25. he has a s___throat. he should take the m___three times a day.

26. i am bmy sister this evening because my mother is ill.

27. tchinese doctor believe we need a balance of yin and yang.

三。 句子(20) 写对一句得1分。

1. what___she usually do她在周末常干什么?

2. she oftenthe她经常去看电影。

3. hetva week. 他一周看两次电视。

4do you你多久锻炼一次?

5. ia month. 我一个月购物一次。

6homework, all the students do homework every day. 至于家庭作业,所有的学生每天都做。

7. she saysmy她说这对我的健康有利。

8. ieatvegetables. 我尽量吃很多蔬菜。

9we __study hard. 当然了,我们必须努力学习。

10eat adiet. 平衡饮食很重要。

11. sheshe shouldearly. 她感冒了,她应该早点去睡。

12. he has aheanything. 他胃疼,他不应该吃任何东西。

13. i’m not feeling well这段时间我感觉不大好。

14are you often __and比如,你经常感到无力和疲倦吗?

15you should relax yourself. 别紧张,你应该放松自己。

16. what’si h**e a你怎么了?我头痛。

17. what’shim? he___a他怎么了?他牙痛。

18. shefever, maybe she should她在发热,也许应该看看牙医。

19. i don’t liketoo long.我不喜欢离开太长时间。

20. pleaseyour photos when weto school. 我们返回学校时,你把**拿给我看。

21. i’mgoing to guangzhou for my vacation. 我正在考虑去广州度假。



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