
发布 2022-12-29 01:17:28 阅读 7413

unit 1 li ming is back to school 的内容。

重点定为。一mastery words(掌握词汇):black grade class ….

expressions(表达法) difference between…and from room to room a girl named mary….sentence patterns(句型) 1, has been a teacher for seven years. 2 , one is…the other is… 3,girls wear blouse or shirts.



让学生在机械操练中掌握。为了让学生对本节课的重点内容达到熟练的程度及增强学习的趣味性,笔者又设计了 “我是小记者”活动。 “我是小记者”则是进行提问、回答和书写的练习来巩固词汇、短语和语法知识。


三教学片段: t: boys and girls.

what did you do during the holidays ? s1: i did my homework .

s2: i watched a tv play. t:

h**e you changed over the summer holiday? s9, what about you? s9:

yes, mr/ i’m taller. i often went swimming with my brother. t:

swimming is good exercise in summer. what about others?s10:

i’m thinner but taller. i played football everyday with my i’m sorry to say i’m fatter now. i like watching tv at home in the summer holiday.


step 2: listening and answering:

a) listen to the tape (of the first e-mail) with some questions t: we’ve talked about our school and class. next, let’s listen to li ming’s e-mail then you can know schools in canada are bigger and smaller.

please listen carefully and answer the following three questions:

1) where did li ming write the letter/mail? 2) how many pupils are there in li ming’s class?

play the tape ) t: jenny is in canada. do you think schools in canada is bigger or smaller?

ss: (together) smaller . t:

very good. s12, answer question 1, (li ming wrote the letter) in china.

t: good, s13, how many pupils are there in li ming’s class? do you know “pupils”?

yes, “pupil” means there are fifty pupils in his class. t: right, very good.

b) listen to the tape (of the second e-mail) and answer the following question. (do the same as in section a)who will come from the

step 3: reading and discussing .a)fast reading t:

read the two e-mails fast and silently. then let’s discuss more about them. here are some more questions:

1) who is the e-mail from and to? 2) what can you learn from the two e-mails?3) do you like schools in canada?

4) do you going from room to room for your class? is it good exercise?

5) who is brian in the second mail? how old is he?

b) second reading and further discussing

t: read the text a second time. then we’ll h**e a further discussion in groups of 4 students.

the question for you is: what are the same or different things between the schools in china and canada. i’ll give you 5 minutes to discuss.

then you should report your discuss to our class.(five minutes later, collect the result of their discussion.)t:

group 1, what are the same things between the schools in china and canada? s 15(from group 1): there are classrooms in all the schools.

t: good! anything else?

group 2? s16 (from group 2): there are many teachers.

t: very good! what’s the different things then?

s17(from group 3): schools in china are group 4): every teacher has a different classroom in canada.

s19(from group 5): students in canada go from room to room for their lessons. students in china h**e class in one room.

s20(from group 6): in canada, there are more teachers in their begins at 8:30 in canada, later than in china.

step 4: answering questions

encourage the ss to ask questions about the text, including the meaning or usage of the new words and phrases in this lesson. explain to the students and make notes on the blackboard. (see the explanations in the attached reference materials)

step 5: “let’s do it” section

t: it’s our new school term. it’s our first lesson today.

then let’s talk about the new term. look at the questions in “let’s do it!” and talk more.

3 question you’ll get: what is the same in the new term? what will be different?

what will you do differently?

step 6: homework: 1) write an e-mail to your friend.

2) finish off the exercises in the activity book.

3. class closing

sum up this lesson and end it.

t: today we learned two e-mails. there are some new words and phrases we should remember:

grade, student, class, pupil, cousin; be back, h**e lessons/classes. we also know about the differences between schools in china and canada. please practise writing an e-mail to your friends after class and finish your homework.

that’s all for today.












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