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unit1 where did you go on vacation?


1. go on vacation 度假 vacation相当于holiday,但vacation表示长的假期。

2. visit museums 参观博物馆3. go to summer camp去参观夏令营。

4. something interesting有趣的东西。




2)当形容词修饰不定代词、不定副词时,放于其后; something special; somewhere wonderful.


is everybody here? 大家都到齐了吗?


did you do anything interesting? 你做了有趣的事吗?(表疑问)

5. buy sth. for sb. 或 buy sb. sth 如: buy some boos for me. =buy me some boos.

6. 提建议的句子7. ride bicycles 骑自行车。

what/ how about +doing sth.? 如:what/ how about going shopping?

why don’t you + do sth.? 如:why don’t you go shopping?

③why not + do sth如:why not go shopping?

④let’s + do sth如: let’s go shopping

⑤shall we/ i + do sth如:shall we/ i go shopping?

8. long time no see 好久不见9 . most of the time 大多数时间。

10. enough 足够的(名前形后)

如:i h**e enough money to go to beijing. 我有足够的钱去北京。

she is not old enough to go to school. 她年龄不够,不能去上学。

11. enjoyable activities 令人愉快的活动 12. try paragliding 尝试滑翔伞运动。

13. 辨析: get to/reach/arrive 都是“到达“的意思。

get to+地点=reach+地点= arrive at+地点(小)=arrive in+地点(大)

注意:若他们后面要加地点副词here, there, home等,则不需要加介词。

14. nothing...but...意为“除。之外; 只有”,如:

i h**e nothing to do but watch tv all day long. 我整天除了看电视什么也没干。

15. feel lie 意为:“感受到;摸起”,后跟宾语从句或名词、动名词。如:

i felt lie i was a bird. 我感觉我是一只鸟。 it feels lie a stone. 它摸起像一块石头。

feel lie doing sth.意为“想做某事”。如:i feel lie eating.我想吃东西。

16. enjoy doing sth . 喜欢做…;乐意做…

enjoy oneself 过得愉快 =h**e fun/h**e a good time.

17. i wonder what life was lie here in the past. 我想知道过去这里的生活是什么样的。

no one seemed to be bored. 仍然没有人感到烦闷。

其他表示状态的系动词有:feel(觉得); eep(保持);stay(保持);loo(看像。


2) bored (adj),意为“感到厌倦的、无聊的”,其主语是某人;(人ed物ing)

boring(adj),意为“令人厌倦的、无聊的”其主语是某物。 如:

i got bored with the boring wor. 我对这无聊的工作感到厌倦。

相类似的词语还有: interested/ tired/ ecited/ amaed/surprised

surprised/ tiring/ eciting/ amaing/surprising

19. decide(v)决定 decide to (not) do sth. =mae a decision (not) to do sth.

decision(n) decide on doing sth. 决定做某事。

如:li lei has decided to go to beijing . 李雷已经决定去北京。

20. because of the bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below

1) because of + 名词/代词/名短 i had to move because of my job. 因为工作的原因。

because + 从句如:i do it because i lie it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。


1. 你去**度假了?where did you go on vacation

2. 很久不见了。long time no see.

3. 你去什么有趣的地方了吗?did you go anywhere interesting?

4. 在那里我们拍了大量的**。we too quite a few photos there.

5. 上个月你做什么特别的事情了吗?did you do anything special last month?

6. 大部分时间我呆在家里读书休息。i stayed at home most of the time to read and rela.

7. 你认为三亚怎么样?how did you lie sanya? =what did you thin of sanya?

8. 我给父母买了一些东西,但是什么也没给自己买。i bought something for my parents, but nothing for myself.

9. 你为什么不给自己买点东西呢?why didn’t you buy anything for yourself?

=why not buy anything for yourself?

10. 我真的没有看到我喜欢的东西。i didn’t really see anything i lied.

11. 好像没有人感到无聊。no one seemed to be bored.

12. 这是我第一次去那里。it was my first time there. =it was my first time to go there.

13. 因为坏天气,我们不能看到下面的任何东西。we couldn`t see anything below because of the bad weather.

14. 在我们到达山顶之前我们又走了两个小时。we waled for another two hours before we got to the top of the hill.

15. 从山顶上看这个城市看起很漂亮。the city looed wonderful from the top of the hill.

16. 我们班的每个人都带了一个包,里面有食物和水。everyone in our class too a bag with some food and water.

17. 所有人都兴奋地跳上跳下。everyone jumped up and down in ecitement.


– went

3. tae—too


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unit4 priod 1说课稿。说课教师 高美玲。任教学校 青铜峡市大坝电厂学校。说课时间 2009年9月20日。新目标八年级 上 unit4 priod 1说课稿。尊敬的评委老师们 大家好!今天我给大家说课的内容是人教版go for it 八年级上册第四单元section a。整个说课内容包括七...