
发布 2022-12-26 06:07:28 阅读 8350

unit 4 why don’t you talk to your parents?



1. h**e free time2. allow sb. to do sth.

3. hang out with sb4. after-school classes

5. get into a fight with sb. 6. until midnight

7. talk to sb8. too many

9. study too much10. get enough sleep

11. write sb. a letter12. call sb. up

13. surprise sb14. look through

15. be angry with sb16. a big deal

17. work out18. get on with

19. fight a lot20. hang over

21. refuse to do sth22. offer to do sth.

23. so that24. mind sb. doing sth.

25. all the time26. in future

27. make sb. angry28. worry about sth.

29. copy one’ s homework 30. be oneself

31. family members32. spend time alone 33.

give sb. pressure34. h**e a fight with sb.

35. compete with sb36. free time activities

37. get better grades38. give one’ s opinion

39. learn exam skills40. practice sports

41. cause stress42. cut out


1. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事, be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事。

allow doing sth. 允许做某事 , they don’t allow smoking.

allow sb.. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 , my mother allows me to watch tv.

we don’t allowsmoke) in the reading room.

our teacher allows usgo) out for a walk.

the boy should be allowed___play) after supper.

2. hang out with sb. 与某人闲逛, 3. h**e free time to do , be free to do

4. after-school classes 课外活动课, 5. get into a fight with sb. 与某人吵架/打架。

6. until midnight 直到半夜 until 直到。时。

7. too many 太多, ◆1)too many + 复数名词许多 too many people

too much +不可数名词许多, too much homework ,study too much 学得过多。

much too +形容词太… much too cold

◆ i h**e a stomachache. maybe i h**e eaten __tonight.

a. too much b. too many c. much too

8. get enough sleep 有足够的睡眠, 9. talk to sb. 与某人交谈。

10. write sb. a letter 给某人写信, 11. call sb. up 打**给某人。

12. surprise sb. 令某人惊讶, 13. look through 浏览。

14. be angry with sb. 生某人的气, angry adj. 生气的→ angrily adv. 生气地。

be angry with sb.. be mad at sb.. 对某人生气【with后接人】

be angry at/about sth.对某事感到生气 【at后接事】 ,be angry to do sth. 做某事感到生气。

my father was very对……生气)his computer.

he hit the computer __angry)

◆i was very angry __myself __****** such as a stupid mistakes.

a. at; at b. with; for c. at; with d. with; at

15. a big deal 重要的事,

16. work out解决;成功地发展,后跟fine,well, badly等词,表明产生的结果如何。

17. get on with sb. =get along with sb. 和某人和睦相处;

get on well/ badly with 相处的好/坏:

18. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事refuse =say no to v拒绝。

◆the boy refusedgo) to see his father with us.

he invited her to his birthday party but she __拒绝).

22. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 ,

offer sb.. sth.= offer sth. to sb.. 主动提供给某人某物。

provide sb. with sth. =provide sth. for sb.

) the little boy __his seat to the old lady on the crowded bus.

a. offered b. brought c. lent d. took

23. mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做某事, 24. make sb. angry 使某人生气。

25. worry about sth. 担心某事,= be worried about sth.. 担心某事。

don’t beworry). you’ll catch up with others.

don’t __about things so much. it will make you stressed out.

a afraid b. worry c. worried d. terrified

26. copy one’ s homework 抄袭某人的作业。

27. be oneself 做自己 , 28. spend time alone 独自消磨时光。

29. give sb. pressure 给某人施压, 30. free time activities业余活动。

31. h**e a fight with sb. 与某人吵架, 32. fight a lot 经常吵架/打架。

33. compete with sb. 与某人竞争 , 34. get better grades 取得更好的成绩。

35. give one’ s opinion about sth给出关于某事的观点。

in one’s opinion 以某人的观点;在某人看来。

36. learn exam skills 学习应试技巧 37. practice sports 体育训练, practice doing

38. cause stress 造成压力, 39. cut out 删除。

good for 对。有好处, be bad for对…有害处。

be good at +n/doing=do well in +n/doing 擅长于做某事。

be good to sb. =be kind to =be friendly to sb.对某人友好。

the boy is good __me .he is good __english.

i think drinking milk is good __our health.

a. for b. to c. with d. at

— i think drinking milk every morning is good __our health.


春酒 教学设计。教材依据 人教版八年级下册第四单元以民间文化为主题,所选的五篇课文绘声绘色地介绍了民风民俗和民间艺人轶事。春酒 是本单元的第4篇课文。作者琦君作为一名台湾作家,故土难离而离了又难以再回的愁绪深深困扰着她,她以儿童的视角观察生活,用富于童趣的语言写出了对童年,对母亲,对故乡的思念之情。...


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