
发布 2022-12-26 06:06:28 阅读 5899

section a

seats 舒适的座位。

解析1】comfort v 安慰,抚慰→ comfortable adj. 舒适的。

comfortably adv.舒服地;容易地;充裕地。

comfortable→(比较级)more comfortable →(最高级) most comfortable

you can sitcomfortable) ,because they h**e the __big) seats.

解析2】sit v 坐→seat n. 座位。

sit down 坐下 take/ h**e a seat 就坐

记】 these __座位)are comfortable. let’s __坐下) here and talk together for a while.

)—may i come in , mr. li? —come in and __

a. take a seatb. take a sit c. seat down d. sits down

) the woman walked into mr. liu’s office, took a seat and then began to talk to mr. liu.

for a minute b. stood close c. sat down d. moved a seat

2.best sound 声音效果最好。

解析】voice/noise /sound

1)voice 多指人说话、唱歌、鸟的叫声。

he is not in good voice.

2)noise n → noisy adj. 吵闹的指不悦耳的吵闹声,如嘈杂声、噪音等。

make a noise制造噪音

3)sound ①n.泛指人听到的任何声音。

②v. 听起来。

) stop ****** so much __the children are sleeping.

a. voice b. noise c. sound d. sounds

3. it’s the closest to home 离家近。

解析】 close ⑴ v.关;合拢;不开放;停业 (反) open v.开放;营业。

adj. 近的,接近的=near

be close to … 接近…

colsed adj. 关闭的; (反) open adj. 开着的。

( )my home is __the post office.

a. close to b. closed to c. close from d. closed from

( )the big supermarket is __his home.

a. closely from b. closely to c. close from d. close to

( )of all the boys tom is __to the window.

a. near b. nearer c. nearest d. the nearest

( )the theater is near my house . i often walk there.

a. far from b. far c. close d. close to

4. go to the cinema = go to the movies = see the film 看电影。

5. which is the best clothes store? 最好的服装店是哪家?

解析】clothes n. 衣服(总称,不可数名词)

clothing, cloth, clothes 的区别:

)①she’ll just put on a few clean __

a. clothing b. clothes c. clothings d. cloth

) she took some pieces of __with her when she took the vacation.

a. clothing b. cothings c. clothes d. cloth

think miller’s is the best . 米勒服装店。

解析】 某人或人名的所有格的特殊用法:一般来说, 某人或人名的名词所有格后面省略的是“住宅,家”;某一职业名称的名词所有格后省略的是其 “工作地点(办公室、店铺)”

at kate’s (home) 在凯特的家里

at the doctor’s (waiting room) 在医生的候诊室里。

at our teacher’s (office) 在我们老师的办公室里。

7. why do you think so ?你为什么这样认为呢?

解析】think about 考虑 think about doing sth 考虑某事。

think about, think of , think over 的区别。

)①could you tell me something about hong kong? i’m __going there for a holiday soon.

a. thinking over b. thinking about c. finding out d. thinking up

)②what do you __this new watch?

a. think at b. think of c. think over d. think hard

8. how do you like it so far? 目前你觉得这里怎么样?

解析1】how do you like …?what do you think of …?你认为……怎么样?


—how do you like this party?

—wonderful./it’s great! 太棒了/ it’s fantastic! 太棒了!

—it’s just so – so . 不过如此而已。

the park is so wonderful.

a. what do you like b. how do you like the park

c. do you like the park d. where are you going

2012黔西南州中考it’s a nice city.

a. where is xingyi ? b. how do you go to xingyi?

c. how far is itd. how do you like xingyi?

解析2】so far = until now/ up to now 到目前为止 (位于句首、句中、句尾)

there is no news about this matter so far.

9. it’s worse than blue moon. 它比蓝月亮(服装店) 还要糟糕。

解析】bad/ badly / ill → worse → worst adj. 最坏的。

this apple isbad) of the three. i don’t like it.

10. the djs choose the most carefully. 主持人挑选歌曲最认真。

解析1】choose→chose→chosen v. 选择

choose to do sth 选择做某事。

choice n. 选择。

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读书使学生认识丰富多彩的世界,获取信息和知识,拓展视野。接下来小编为大家精心准备了八年级下册语文第四单元知识点,希望大家喜欢!16 云南的歌会。解释下列词语的含义。起兴 先言他物以触发联想,诱发文思。向例 一向的作法。哕 鸟鸣声。面善 面熟。引经据典 引用经典中的语句或故事。譬喻 打比方。17 端午...


读书使学生认识丰富多彩的世界,获取信息和知识,拓展视野。接下来本店铺为大家精心准备了八年级下册语文第四单元知识点,希望大家喜欢!16云南的歌会。解释下列词语的含义。起兴 先言他物以触发联想,诱发文思。向例 一向的作法。哕 鸟鸣声。面善 面熟。引经据典 引用经典中的语句或故事。譬喻 打比方。17端午的...