
发布 2022-12-24 23:56:28 阅读 2106


ms gong

unit 1 topic1 what’s your f**orite sport?

语法:由be going to构成的一般将来时。

重点句型。1. what’s your f**orite sport? =what sport do you你最喜爱的运动是什么?

2. which sport do you prefer? =which sport do you你更喜欢什么运动?

3. shean hour doing exercise in the gym every day. 每天她花半小时在体育馆锻炼。

spend +时间或钱+doing sth /on sth

4 i saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. see sb. do sth “看见某人做了某事” 强调动作的全过程,常与every day; often等连用。

see sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事” 强调动作正在进行。


5 下周日我们和三班将有一场篮球赛。

we are going to h**e a basketball game __class three __sunday.

6骑车和划船,你更喜欢哪种运动?which sport do you __cycling

7 would you like to come and cheer us on(为我们加油cheer… on 为。。。加油)?

8are you going to join(加入join sb加入某人的行列join in=take part in参加 join the club加入俱乐部。) the school rowing club(俱乐部)?

9 he plays for(为…效力)the houston rockets in the nba.

10 -what are you going to be when you grow up(长大,成长)? i’m going to be a dancer.

11 he is one of the best(good 的最高级) runners(run-runner) in the world.(one of +the 形容词的最高级+名词复数)

12 he broke(break打破-broke-broken) the olympic record (记录)and won a gold (**gold-golden)medal in the 2004 athens olympics.

13 he had to give up(放弃give up doing sth.) the race because his foot was hurt(受伤be hurt=get hurt) 14 she goes cyclingweek(一周两次)and often去爬山). 15 there __going to __将有)a运动会下周末).

16 because it makes me strong(使我强壮make/keep sb /sth 形容词 make sb do sth ) and it is popuplar(流行的,受欢迎的 be popular with sb ) all over the world.17 d**id beckham, a famous(著名的) soccer star, arrived in(到达arrive in大地点 arrive at小地点,到达get to/ reach) beijing with his teammates yesterday.18 they are le**ing for (将动身前往le**e for sw 动身去某地)japan the day after tomorrow(后天).

topic 2 would you mind saying sorry to michael?

语法:would/do you mind doing/not doing sth?

重点句型1could you please do me a f**or? =could youcould you give me a __你能帮我吗?could you please do sth?

请你做…好吗?do sb a f**or帮忙。

2 -would you mind teaching me? =would you mind if you teach me?你教我好吗?

would /do you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗?-not at all.

一点也不。=of course not./certainly not.

3 let’s go and practice.(练习 practice doing sth/sth 练习做某事)

熟能生巧。4 –do you mind not putting your bike here? would/do you mind not doing sth?

你介意不要做某事吗?-sorry. i’ll put it somewhere else(别的地方somewhere quiet 安静的地方).

5 you are always so careless(粗心的反义词careful). 6 would you mind saying sorry to (向某人道歉)michael? 7don’t be angry with(生某人的气) michael.

8 i’m very sorry for(be sorry for sth为某事感到抱歉) what i said(我所说的).9 you often keep me waiting a long time(让我久等keep sb doing keep doing sth).10 we are sure to win next time.

下次我们一定会赢。be sure to do sth 一定做某事11 would you mind turning down(关小turn up 开大) the music?

12 i’ll do it in a minute(立即,马上=at once).

13 i enjoying playing(enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事) table tennis(乒乓球) in different countries.

14 yes, but very tiring(累人的tired累的也).

15 he invented(发明 inventor invention) an indoor game for his student以便,为了) they they could play even in bad weather(在恶劣的天气情况下).

16 would you mind整理床铺)?

17 that’s veryyou(太好了),but i canit自己处理).

18we __相信) _do我们将做得更好) next time.

topic 3 which sport will you take part in?

语法:由will 构成的一般将来时。

重点句型:1steve,my foreign (外国的,foreigner 外国人) friend, will come to为我加油。 2 i’ll be in(参加=join in / take part in)the long jump and the high jump.

3 it’s my first time to take (it’s one’s first time to do sth.某人第一次做某事)part in the high jump. 4 maybe(也许=perhaps) i’ll make many friends (make friends交朋友)during the sports meet.

5-when shall we meet让我们定在) half past six.

6 michael ran very fast in the boys男子接力赛) and his class won first place(获得第一位win 获得- won-winning -winner).7 there will be(将有=there is going to be) another exciting relay race this afternoon..8 we are sorry that we做得差) in the high jump , but we’re sure we can do better下次).

9 kangkang hopes to be a soccer player when he长大).10 the people’s republic of china __part in the olympics for thetime (第一次参加)in 1952. 11 .

i did尽力)and was the second to __the __line(通过终点线). 12 i will多锻炼)every day and i hope some day i’ll能够)take part in the olympic games.13we willour __改善环境)。

14 you can find至少) one of these colors in the flag of each country in the world.

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