
发布 2022-12-22 15:05:28 阅读 1053

lesson 1

一、i was happy to see my classmates after such a long holiday.这么长的假期过后,看到同学们我很高兴。

1) be + adj(happy/sorry/glad)to do sth 意思是“做某事很……”

i am sorry to hear that. 听到那件事很抱歉。

2) such + a/an + 名词。

such 作形容词,意为“如此,这么”,一般修饰名词。

i never saw such a bird. 我不曾看过这样的鸟。

it was such a cold day that i wore two sweaters. 天气这么冷,我穿了两件毛衣。

二、one is sandra and the other is mary. 一个是桑德拉,另一个是玛丽。

1) one… and the other… 一个…,另一个…

the other 意思是“另一个”,它特指两者中的另外一个。表示三者或三者以上的“另一个”,用another。

she has two sisters. one is a teacher and the other is a nurse. 她有两个姐姐,一个是教师,另一个是**。

i h**e a lot of toys, but i’m going to buy another one. 我有很多玩具,但我打算再买一个。

2) the other + 名词复数 = the others表示其余的所有人或物。

the book is more interesting than the other books.= the book is more interesting than the others. 这本书比其余的书都有趣。

only ten students are in the classroom. where are the others?只有10个学生在教室,其他学生呢?

三、 you always like to make new friends.你总是喜欢结交新朋友。

make friends ( with) (和……)交朋友。

it’s easy to make friends with kids.和孩子交朋友是很容易的。

i like to make friends with kind people.我喜欢同善良的人交朋友。

四、i wanted to talk to sandra but i didn’t know how to begin.我想和桑德拉聊聊,但是我不知道怎样开始。

how to begin是“疑问词 + to do”结构,在原句中作know的宾语,相当于宾语从句 how i can begin。

i don’t know what to say at the meeting.= i don’t know what i will say at the meeting. 我不知道在会议上说什么。

tell me when to hold the meeting.= tell me when we are going to hold the meeting. 告诉我什么时候开会。

五、well, you can introduce yourself to her. 哦,你可以向她做一下自我介绍。

introduce… to… 把……介绍给/到……

introduce oneself (to…) 自我介绍。

tea was introduced to england in the year 1840. 茶在2024年传到英国。

tom,please stand up and introduce yourself to us all.汤姆,请站起来向大家做一下自我介绍。

六、what about you? 你呢?你怎么样?

what/how about…? 表示“……怎么样?” 其中 about 为介词,后加名词、代词或doing.

what about h**ing a football game this weekend?这周末踢场足球怎么样?

how about that book?那本书怎么样?

七、it’s almost the same as grade 7. 几乎和7年级一样。

the same as 表示“和……一样” the不可以省略。

常用的反义词组为 different from表示“和……不同” 或使用not the same as。

the city looks exactly the same as that one. 这座城市看起来和那座完全一样。

my bike is different from yours.我的自行车和你的不一样。

the colour red is not the same as the colour blue.红色和蓝色不同。

八、tomorrow we will make a class picture, but i don’t h**e any good recent pictures of myself.明天我们要制作一张班级**,但我没有什么好的近期**。

a picture of myself (me) 指**中的人是我。

my picture 指**属于我,但**上的人不一定是我。

there are two pictures of myself when i was very little. 这儿有两张我小时候的**。

i can’t find my picture. that is about my pet dog. 我找不到我的宠物狗**了。

九、i will look for one.我会去找一张的。

look for 寻找,区别于find (找到),find 重在结果,已经找到,而look for 重在一个寻找的动作。

oh,i think i lost my pencil. can you help me look for it?


there it is! i found my pencil.我找到了,我的铅笔在那儿呢!

lesson 2

一、you are wearing traditional clothes. you look like a dancer.你穿着传统服装,看起来就像一个舞蹈演员。

1) wear 穿着(衣服等);戴着(首饰等),强调状态。

put on 意为“穿上,戴上” 强调动作。

in 介词in表示“穿着”,与wear意思相同,强调状态,后面跟表示颜色或者服饰名称的词。

the girl is wearing her f**ourite dress and necklace.


he put on his jacket and went out.他穿上夹克出去了。

that girl is in red. 那个女孩穿着红色衣服。

2)look like … 意为“看起来像,长得像”,后加名词或代词作宾语。

he looks like his father.他长得像他父亲。

look 作系动词,表示“看起来”,后跟形容词。

they look happy today!今天他们看起来很高兴!

二、that’s a picture of me from our spring festival show.


spring festival = the lunar new year 春节。

of all our festivals, the spring festival is the most important to our chinese.在众多节日当中,春节对我们中国人来说是最重要的。

三、you played the erhu, and i performed a dance. 你拉二胡,我表演了一段舞蹈。

play + the + 乐器 :演奏某种乐器,the不能省略。

play the piano 弹钢琴 play the guitar 弹吉他 play the violin 拉小提琴。


play + 球类。

play basketball 打篮球 play chess 下象棋 play computer game 玩电脑游戏。

四、 he advised me to choose that one.他建议我选那张。

advise sb. (not) to do sth. 建议某人(不要)做某事。

the teacher advises us to practise english as much as possible.


he advised me not to buy that pair of shoes.


五、i like the colour in the first picture, but it’s up to you.


it’s up to …由……决定。

what shall we h**e for lunch?我们午饭吃什么?

it’s up to you.由你决定。(你说了算。)

六、 i agree with you. 我同意(你所说的)。


agree with 后面常接人或说的话

agree to 常接“计划;提议;安排”等

agree on 表示“就……达成协议”

i agree with them. 我同意他们的意见。

i agree with what you said. 我同意你所说的。

i agree to his plan. 我同意他的计划。


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