
发布 2022-12-20 12:09:28 阅读 8468


henry’s problems

1.有时感到孤独,不善于交朋友 2.经常玩电脑游戏 3.不擅长英语。


1. 学会和别人友好相处。

2. 不要花太多时间玩游戏3. 认真听课,多向老师请教。

henry has some problems in his life and study. sometimes he feels lonely and he isn’t good at ****** friends with others because he is too shy. he doesn’t learn english well and he often plays computer games at home.

in my opinion, he should learn to get on well with others. if he wants to learn english well, he should listen to the teacher carefully in class and practice speaking with others. if he has any questions, he can ask his teacher for help.

when he is free, he shouldn’t spend long time playing computer games. it’s bad for his health and wastes lots of time.


现在很多学生喜欢玩电脑游戏,请根据以下内容写一遍短文,谈谈学生玩电脑游戏对生活和学习的影响,并提出一些解决问题的建议。 影响建议。

1. 长时间玩电脑游戏,容易疲劳,对眼睛有害。

2. 有些学生对学习不感兴趣,无法取的好成绩。

3. 父母和老师会生气 1. 多锻炼,对身体有益。

2. 多读书报,有帮助于培养兴趣3. 和朋友们一起看电影,听**。


doesn’t want to drink milk now.

she doesn’tmilk now.

nightingale was a nurse. she came from a rich family.

florence nightingale was a nurse

do you often dream?

do you often

3. they told the boy not to pick flowers.

they __the boyflowers.

time for our lunch.

it’s time forlunch.

worry. i’ll look after your baby carefully.

don’t worry. i’llyour baby.

6. people in japan eat a lot of fish. we eat a lot of fish, too.

people in japan eat a lot of fish

7. it may h**e different tastes.

___it __different tastes.

8. all the other girls are standing behind the tallest one.

the tallest girl is standingthe line.

9. it takes about fifteen minutes on foot.

it is about

didn’t h**e a rest. i went on writing.

i went on writing __a rest.

sweet her voice is!

she has!

didn’t say any more.

beethoven said

14. i woke up very late this morning, so i was late for school.

iupget to school on time.

15. if you don’t study harder, you won’t catch up with the others.

if you don’t study harderthe others.

16. lin tao runs faster than the other two boys.

lin tao runs __of the __boys.

17. he was surprised to find the girl was blind.

he __the girl was blind.

18. this kind of medicine is much too expensive for poor people.

the poor peoplethis kind of medicine.

is sure to be on time.

i’m sureon time.

20. i bought this dictionary for 58 yuan.

i __58 yuan __this dictionary.

21. mark twain wrote the book.

mark twainof the book.


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