八年级上册英语 1—2单元时间: 家长签字
unit1 1、 翻译下列短语。
5)一周一次6)一月两次 __
1) the twins' uncleevery day.
a、exercise b、exercises c、is exercise d、is exercises
2do you go to the movies?
a、how mang b、how often c、how muchd、how
3) i think i am
a、health b、not health c、healthy d、healthest
4) my mother wants me
a、drink b、not drink c、drinks d、to drink
5) jim is a good student. helate for class.
a、is hardly ever b、is not ever c、is everd、is always
6) there a lot of junk food on the table.
a、are b、h**e c、is d、has
7homework , we do it on sunday.
a、as for b、as to c、as of d、as from
8) how often do you play soccer
a、two time a week b、twice a week c、a time a week d、one time a week
9)-_do you do your homework? -every day.
b. how often c. how many times d. what time
10) i visit my grandparentsa month.
a. two times b. second time c. the second time d. twice
11)one of my f**orite programsanimal world.
a. am b. is d. don't
12)she hardly eversports games __tv on sunday evening..
a. watching ; over b. to watch; in c. watch; by d. watches , on
3、用下列词填空(surf , program , once , result , health )
1) my grandma is pretty __because she exercises every day.
2) -what's your f**orite tvit's cctv news
3) here are the __of the students' activity at hilltop school.
4) he hardly ever __the internet.
5) _a year,they h**e a christmas party.
2)翻译句子:(1)我尽量吃大量的蔬菜。(try to do )
(2)我的健康的生活习惯有助于我取得好成绩。(help sb do sth)
(3)我有一个健康的饮食习惯。(eating habit)
4)他的爷爷相当健康,他每天都照顾我的弟弟 。(pretty healthy,look after)
unit2 写出下列单词及短语 1、此刻2、紧张。
6嗓子疼7 躺下休息8 看牙医9 加蜂蜜的热茶10 大约两天前11我希望你早日**。
12 例如13 西方的国家14 健康的食物___15 头痛___
16传统的___17 口渴的___18 平衡的饮食19 生···的气20 发烧22胃痛23传统中医。
he has a stomachache, he __eat anything
2、你应当多喝开水。 you __drink __hot water.
3、早睡觉对你的健康有好处is good __your __
4、嗓子痛会导致你发烧can give you a __
5、饮食平衡是很重要的。 it is important to
( )1 、what's __you? a. matter with b. matter of c. the matter with
)2、__you should study hard at school every day.
a. on the hand b. on the other hand c. on other hand
)3、she is easy toa. get angry b. angry c. angring
)4、__you do your homework yesterday? a. do b. did c. does
)5、if you h**e a cold, you __see a doctor. a. can't b. should c. shouldn't
)6、it's good __exercise every day. a. to take b. takes c. took
) 7 can you come and play us b. and we c. with we
)8、she doesn't feel very well. she must stay __
a. in home b. at the home c. at home
)9、i __help my mother. i __go out with you.
a. can,can b. may, can't c. can't, can't
)10、__you h**e a sore throat? a. do b. are c. can
2、the teacher is busy now.(同义) the teacher is busy
3、to eat healthy food is imortant for us .(同义)
___important for us
you shouldn't eat anything for 24 hours.(同义)
you shouldfor 24 hours.
5、i h**e a pain in my head today.(同义)itoday.
6、i don't feel very well.(同义) iwell.
7what's wrong with you?(同义) what'swith you?
默写。1 杜甫是我国唐代著名的现实主义诗人,其诗 春望 二句用拟人手法揭示了安史之乱给人民带来的深重灾难。2 月下飞天镜,李白 渡荆门送别 3 欲济无舟楫,盂浩然 望洞庭湖赠张丞相 4 陋室铭 中 两句写出了陋室环境的清幽雅致。5 游山西村 一诗,诗人以 两句,道出了 阳光总在风雨后 的人生哲理。6...
初二生物结业考试复习题三 八上 一 请你填一填。1 生物反应器就是指人们研究和利用动物做生产人类所需要的 目前人们认为很理想的一种生物反应器是。2 鸟类的体表被覆 前肢变成了 身体内有能辅助呼吸 体温高而且以上这些特点都是鸟类与飞行生活相适应的特点。3 像青蛙那样 幼体生活在中,用呼吸 成体营水陆两...
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