
发布 2022-12-18 20:53:28 阅读 2353


1. 我经常去市场观鸟。i often go to thethe birds.

2. 你喜欢在市场上观鸟吗?do you likethe markets?

3. 它是世界上最主要的湿地之一。

it`s one of the world`s

4. 许多鸟长年生活在扎龙,而有些鸟则仅去那儿作短暂停留。

many birds live in zhalongwhile some go there only .

5. 该地区为许多野生动物提供了食物和栖息地。

the areafood andfor a lot of

6. 世界上的鹤所剩不多,其中40%生活在扎龙。

there are not many cranes in the world, and 40of them live in zhalong.

7. 你最喜欢的鸟是什么?what is yourbird?

8. 鹤看起来像什么?

what do craneswhatcranes like?

9. 他们有棕色的羽毛、长腿和一个长且瘦的脖子。

they h**e brownlongand a long thin

10. 大多数鸟在白天活跃,所以你能很容易地在那儿**他们。

birds arein the daytime, so you canwatch them there.

11. 我们需要更多人来数鸟,并对其进行描述。

we need more peopleandthe birds.

12. 在世界上有多少种鹤?how manyof cranes are there in the world?

13. 对一些珍稀鸟类来说,它是一个完美的地方。

it`s aplacesomebirds.

14. 一些人想去让湿地更小些,为了有更多的空间建农场和建筑物。

some people want to make the wetlands smallerh**e more spacefarms and buildings.

15. 此外,渔民们一致在湿地捕鱼,导致湿地变小。

fishermen keepthere, and this willthe smaller wetlands.

16. 因此,鸟们没有足够的食物吃。

the birds do not h**e enough food

17. 每年,许多的游客去扎龙观鸟。

every year, a lot ofgo to zhalongthe birds.

18. 我们现在正邀请他们去帮助这些稀有鸟类。

we are nowthemthese rare birds.

19. 我们正在面临一些严重的问题。we are nowsomeproblems.

20. 观鸟社团成员一年一次去研究鸟类。

a year, theof our birdwatching society go to study the birds.

21. 我们记录他们的种类和在数量上的改变。

wetheir types and changestheir numbers.

22. 现在中国**已经颁布法律来阻止所有这些事情。

now the chinesehas madeall these things.

23. 我们希望这将帮助人们理解保护湿地的重要性。

we hope this will help peopletheofthe


1. he提供) much foodthe poor during the hard time.

2. i want to put the table here. can you make somespaceit?

3. taiwan isthe east of china andthe east of fujian.

4. could you please provide ussome news about the nature reserves?

5. wetlands are importantpeople in the world.

6. your mistake could leadour failure.

7. you can call me81234567 or e-mail

8. i am interestedrecord) the changesthe birds` number..

9. a swallow fliessouth) countries in winter.

10. he is too old to run足够地快) to catch the bus.

11. i told younot open) the door.

12. i saw himwalk) in the park very often.

13. he got up very early in ordercatch) the early bus.

14. jack asked menot drink) too much.

15. someart) like painting eggs.

16. there are a lot ofvisit) here on weekends.

17. shanghai is one of theworld) most important cities.

18. why is it importantprotect) the wild animals?

19. do you know thechange) of the birds in the numbers?

20. i would likebecome) abirdwatch) because i like birds and nature very much.

21. wearing a smile on your face makes youfeel) better.

22. there are lots of localfisherman) living by the sea.

23. 80 per cent of studentswork) hard every day.

24. every year, lots of tourists go to zhalongwatch) birds.

25. we come heresee) you.

26. wegofish) next sunday.

27. i think it not difficultkeepread) english every morning.

28. now the chinese government has made lawsprevent) people fromkill) wild animals.

29. they are changing the farmlandsmake) a modern amusement park.


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