
发布 2022-12-18 11:15:28 阅读 7185


八年级上册unit 9 can you come to my party?

section a 1a~1c



1.引入 look at the invitation and answer the questions. 观察邀请函并回答问题。

why is sun ning going to h**e a party?

who will he invite?

when is the party?

where is the party?

what can they enjoy at the party?

2.小组合作 find the right sentence and put it on the board. 将正确的句子贴在展示板上。

3.小组讨论 can his classmates come to the party? look at the picture and guess.

put √ or×next to the people. 猜测同学们是否能够参加派对,在括号中打√或打×


1.小组** some classmates can’t go to the party. why? discuss in groups. 讨论同学不能参加的原因。

2.学生活动 match the pictures with the reasons. 将**和理由配对。

3.小组活动 read the phrases.

4.学生活动 think of other reasons. 思考其他理由。

5.学生活动 listening practice. listen to the tape and fill in the chart. 听力填空。

6.学生活动 make dialogues and role-play.


1.小组合作 summery. work in groups. put the sentences on the board. 完成展示板的总结和粘贴。


1.小组合作 make a dialogue. if you are going to h**e a party.

how will you ask? what will your friends say? 编对话。

work in groups, one or two student make the invitation, other students accept or decline. 1~2人询问,其余人接受或拒绝。

2. 小组讨论 think of an end for the story of sun ning. 为孙宁的故事编一个简短的结局。

discuss in groups. one student in each group tell us the end of the story. 每组一位同学讲述结局。

3. 学生活动 enjoy a mini-lecture. **微课《parties》


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