暑假小学英语 人教版 五年级上册 供三年级起用 期末测试

发布 2022-12-03 07:38:28 阅读 7814


笔试部分。一、 请你按正确的格式抄写下列单词或句子 11分

office friday question breakfast mars

how can i get there ?

二、 请你按要求写单词12分




三、 请你把下列句子重新排列,使其成为一段完整的话。12分

)1 how can i get there ?

)2 yes,there is.

)3 is there a shop near here ?

)4 excuse me.

)5 you can see it on the right.

)6 go down this street , turn right.

四、 选择填空20分

)1 are there __apples in the box ?

a an b any c a d the

)2 there are many __in the classroom.

a woman b womans c women d womens

)3 whose bird are theseare yours.

a they b their c those d theirs

)4 may i take a message __you ?

a to b for c from d of

)5 there is no water on __mars.

a a b an c the d ×

)6 there __some milk in the glass.

a is b am c are d isn’t

)7 go down this street , you can see it __the end.

a on b in c under d at

)8 is this dog __yes , it’s __

a your , my b yours , mine

c yours , my d your , mine

)9 __i borrow your pen ?

a may b must c does d am

)10 the light is red . you __cross the street now.

a mustn’t b may c can d must


1 you must cross the street .(否定句)

2 there are some cows in the farm.(一般疑问句)

3 they are [u]my[/u] desks.(对划线部分提问)

4 there are [u]two[/u] birds in the tree . 对划线部分提问)

5 my name is [u]mary.[/u](对划线部分提问)

六、 阅读短文,然后判断正误,正确打(t),错误打(f)10分

there is a park near our school . we can see many trees and flowers there . we can see a hill behind the park , too .

at the foot of the hill we can see a river . there are some boats on it . it is monday today .

there are many children in the park . some are walking and singing . some are dancing or playing games .

ann and her brother tom are flying a kite . their father and mother are sitting under the tree . all the family are h**ing a good time.

)1 there are many trees and animals in the park .

)2 there is a hill in the park .

)3 ann and her brother tom are flying a kite .

)4 some children are singing .

)5 all the family are very happy .

七、阅读下面的对话,根据上下文内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意字母大小写的规范要求。(每空1分,共10分)

1. ayour art teacher? b: mr carter.

2. ayour father like?b: he’s tall and strong.

3. a: your english teacher quiet? b: no,she isn’t.

4. a: _your f**ourite fruit? b: i like apples.

5. a: can you do? b: i can make the bed.

6. a: can you sweep the floor? b: no, i

7. a: _there a bed ,a desk and a big closet in your bedroom? b: yes, there is.

8. a: _there any bridges in your village? b: no, there aren’t.

9. a: _is the red house ? b: it’s near the river.

10. amany goats are there? b: there are five.


amy:hello, john

john:i can set the table. i can do the dishes.

amy:great! you’re helpful

john:i often play computer games on weekends

amy:i often go to a nature park.

johnamy:yes, there is a big lake. there are many flowers near the lake.

johnamy: no, there aren’t there are many rivers.

八、ask and answer



1. what do you usually do on weekends

2. where are the clothes

3. what’s the man like3

4. are there any tall buildings4.

5. what do you h**e for dinner5.


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