
发布 2023-04-16 16:16:28 阅读 8294

unit1 what’s he like?


mr先生mrs夫人miss小姐ms女士 music teacher**老师,art teacher美术老师english teacher英语老师maths teacher数学老师,chinese teacher语文老师pe teacher体育老师science teacher科学老师

mr li 称呼在前,姓氏在后,姓氏首字母大写。

fat胖的thin瘦的 tall高的short矮的strong强壮的,quiet安静的,friendly友好的nice和善的,好的father爸爸mother妈妈sister姐妹, brother兄弟friend朋友university大学football player 足球运动员。

-who’s your art teacher? (who is)

-mr jones./ he is mr jones./my art teacher is mr jones

-is he young? -yes, he is./ no, he isn’t. (注意: 男he 女she)

自我介绍:i’m zhang peng./ i am zhang peng.

my name is robin.


i’m 10 years old. i’m from china./ i come from china.

国家:america 美国=usa=us england= uk

do you know mr young?你认识杨老师吗? yes,i do./ no, i don’t.

i like funny teachers. 我喜欢滑稽的老师。like喜欢,+可数名词复数。

her/ his class is so much fun.他/她的课真有趣。

he is a university student. 他是一个大学学生。

b部分:polite和蔼的,helpful有帮助的, clever聪明的,hard-working勤奋的, shy害羞的。

what’s wu yifan like?吴一帆怎么样?

he’s hard-working. /he is hard-working.他是勤奋的。

be动词用法:(am is are)

我(i)用am, 你(you)用are, is跟着他(he)她(she)它(it),我们(we),你们(you),他们(they)都用are。

i am; you are; he is; she is; it is; we are/ you are/they are;

ms wang will be our new chinese teacher.

王老师将成为我们新的语文老师。 will“将要”+动词原形。

sometimes 有时。

do you know her?你认识她吗? 注:宾格用法(用于动词后)

i—me we—us you—you he—him she—her they—them it--it

this is amy. that is wu yifan.(向别人介绍第三个人时使用)

my grandpa made him. make制作。

robin is short but strong. 但是。

he can speak chinese and english. 他会说中文和英文。speak+语言。

he is very helpful at home. 在家。

he makes me finish my homework.他使我完成我的家庭作业。

unit2 my week

a部分。monday周一, tuesday周二,wednesday周三,thursday周四, friday周五,saturday周六,sunday周日,weekend周末chinese语文,maths数学,english英语,pe体育,art美术,music**。

what do you h**e on mondays? 你每周一上什么课?

i h**e chinese, english, maths and music (on mondays).

i h**e a maths class.上一节数学课。

i h**e an english class.上一节英语课。

what day is it today? 今天星期几? it’s monday./ today is monday.

is it monday? 今天星期一吗?

look at my picture.看我的**。

-what do you do on thursdays, grandpa?爷爷,你每周四做什么?

-i h**e a cooking class with your grandma.我和你奶奶上一节烹饪课。

b部分。wash my clothes洗衣服, watch tv 看电视, do homework 做家庭作业,read books 读书,play football踢足球, draw pictures画画, clean my room打扫我的房间, play the pipa弹琵琶,play ping-pong打乒乓球, listen to music听**,play sports做运动,sleep睡觉。

do you often wash your clothes on the weekend?你周末经常洗你的衣服吗?yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

what do you often do on the weekend?你周末经常做什么?

i often read books on the weekend.我经常读书。

what about you? /how about you? 你呢?

-what’s this/that/it? 这/那/它是什么it’s a storybook.它是一本故事书。

do you often read books in this park?公园。

do you often play football here? 这里。

you look tired.累的。

i don’t like sports.我不喜欢运动。i like 我喜欢。

unit3 what would you like?

a部分。tea茶salad沙拉 hamburger汉堡包sandwich三明治ice cream 冰激凌,补充食物单词:rice米饭 bread面包 water水 green beans绿豆eggplant茄子 milk牛奶tomato西红柿 potato土豆 vegetables蔬菜fruit水果noodles面 orange juice橙汁beef牛肉mutton羊肉chicken鸡肉fish鱼肉hot dog热狗 meat肉。

-what would you like to eat?

-i’d like a sandwich./i’d like some sandwiches.(i’d like=i would like)

-what would you like to drink? -i’d like some tea.

would you like some milk? yes, please./no, thanks.

i’m hungry.我饿了i’m thirsty.我渴了。

h**e some chicken sandwiches. (吃,喝)

b部分:fresh新鲜的 healthy健康的 delicious美味的 hot辣的,热的。

sweet甜的 sour酸的 bitter苦的 salty咸的 yummy好吃的。

f**ourite food/fruit/drink/class/day/最喜爱的食物/水果/饮料/课。

what’s your f**ourite food/drink?

my f**ourite food is noodles./i like noodles.

why do you like vegetables? because they’re healthy.

i like ice cream. it’s sweet. (it’s /they are…)

-what do you h**e for lunch (today)?午餐吃什么?--i/we h**e…

let’s see让我想想。让我们一起看看。

sarah’s f**ourite food is fish. her f**ourite drink is milk.(her她的,his他的)

i don’t like beef but chicken is ok.

i like vegetables but not carrots.

i study at willow primary school.

unit4 what can you do?

a部分。dance跳舞 sing english songs 唱英文歌 do kung fu 练武术。

draw cartoons画漫画 play the pipa 弹琵琶draw pictures画图画。

clean the classroom打扫教室 sweep the floor 扫地make the bed铺床

play the erhu, play the piano, play the guitar

what can you do?你会做什么?i can draw cartoons.我会画漫画。

i can’t do any kung fu.(some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句)

we’ll h**e an english party next tuesday!下周二我们将会举行一个英语派对。(we’ll=we will+动作)

what can you do for the party, children?


u.1 复习巩固。一 请默写出下列单词。老的年轻的可笑的和蔼的聪明的。严格的有礼貌的努力的。u.1 复习巩固。一 请默写出下列单词。老的年轻的可笑的和蔼的聪明的。严格的有礼貌的努力的愿意帮忙的害羞的。2 请完成下列句子。1 ayour math teacher?b mr zhao.根据答句写出问句 ...


u.1 复习巩固。一 请默写出下列单词。老的年轻的可笑的和蔼的聪明的。严格的有礼貌的努力的愿意帮忙的害羞的。请完成下列句子。au.1 复习巩固。一 请默写出下列单词。老的年轻的可笑的和蔼的聪明的。严格的有礼貌的努力的愿意帮忙的害羞的。2 请完成下列句子。1 ayour math teacher?b ...


test 1 1.老的 年纪大的。2.工作努力的,辛勤的。3.星期三。4.洗。5.三明治。6.新鲜的 刚摘的。7.唱英文歌曲。8.烹调,烹饪。9.植物。10.在 上面。11.高山,山岳。test 2 1.年轻的,岁数不大的。2.有用的,愿意帮忙的。3.星期四。4.洗我的衣服。5.蔬菜沙拉,混合沙拉。...