
发布 2023-04-16 16:13:28 阅读 5090

unit 3 what would you like?

6、would like的用法。would是情态动词,与like一起作谓语,would like意为“想要”, 与主语可以简写为 'd like。

例:——what would you like to eat?

—i'd like a sandwich, please.

—what would you like to drink?

—i'd like some water.

7、(1)i'd like的用法① 含义:i'd like意为“我想要;我愿意”,i'd=i would。② 例句:i'd like some ice cream

8、-what would you like to eat? -i'd like some bread. -what would you like to drink?

-i'd like some tea, please.

9、-what's your f**ourite food? -noodles. i love beef noodles.

—what's your f**ourite drink? —milk.

10、no problem. 没问题。 be careful! 当心!

unit 4 what can you do?

11、can的用法。①含义:can是情态动词,意为“能、会”,后面跟动词原形一起作谓语,把can提前可以变成一般疑问句。can not =can’t

例:-what can you doi can sing english songs.

what can you doi can dance.

can you do any kung fu? -yes, i can. /no, i can't.

can you swimyes, i can. i can do some kung fu, too.

i can play ping-pong,but i can't swim

he can speak english.

she can’t swim.

unit 5 there is a big bed

12、there be句型是一常见的表示“存在”的句型。该结构表示某地某处客观存在某物。意思是“有”。

there be 结构中的谓语动词be在人称和数上应与其后的主语保持一致。主语是不可数名词或单数时用is,是复数时用are。

例:there is a big bed in my room.

there is a tree in front of the classroom.

there is a clock on the wall.

there is a picture on the wall.

there are some trees in the park.

there are photos above the table. there are two plants beside the table.


例:where is my book?我的书在哪儿? it's on the desk.在桌上。


in 在……里 on 在……上under 在……下

near在……附近 beside 在……旁边 behind在……后面。

between在……中间 above在……上面 in front of在……前面。

unit 6 in a nature park

15、there be表示存在,意为“有”。 如果后面跟单数名词或不可数名词,用there is;如果后面跟复数名词,则用there are。


例: there is a river in the forest.

is there a river in the forest? 森林里有小河吗? -yes, there is.

是的,有。-no, there isn't. 不,没有。

—is there a lake? 有一个湖吗?—yes, there is.


are there any pencils on the desk?有一些铅笔在桌子上吗?

yes,there are.是的,有。—are there any birds in the sky? 有一些鸟在天空吗?

no, there aren't.不,没有。

16、 some 和 any的用法。some 和any都是“一些”的意思,some用于肯定句,any用于问句和否定句。例:

do you h**e any story books?你有一些故事书吗? i’d like some tea, please.



a/an 一…

h**e 有。

has look 看

like 像。

yes 是。

no 不。can 能会

and 和

or 或者。

too 也。

very much非常。

one一 two二。




six六 seven七



ten十。red 红色。

black 黑色。

yellow 黄色。

white 白色。


green 绿色。

blue 蓝色。

gray 灰色。

orange 橙色。

purple 紫色。


五年级第一学期英语期末评估检测题。班级姓名成绩。命题人 城北小学向义琴。一 快乐辨音,选出划线部分与所给单词划线部分发音不同的单词的选项。5分 1 brown a.window b.howc.now 2 tea a.eatb.peach c.healthy 3 this a.clothes b.th...


module1 come back回来 in london在伦敦 last sunday上周星期日 last week上周 live in住在 chinese friend中国的朋友 look at看一看 ice cream冰激凌 wait for等待 hurry up赶快 send an emai...


module1 come back回来 in london在伦敦 last sunday上周星期日 last week上周 live in住在 chinese friend中国的朋友 look at看一看 ice cream冰激凌 wait for等待 hurry up赶快 send an emai...