
发布 2023-04-17 08:18:28 阅读 8839

module 1 hobbies


1. what is your hobby? (问爱好)你的爱好是什么?

my hobby is ****** model planes. 我的爱好是做模型飞机。

my hobby is...后面加“ing”,不能说 my hobby is play football. (

2. what is your father’s hobby?你爸爸的爱好是什么?

his hobby is listening to music. 他的爱好是听**。(不能用 he hobby...

3. what is your mother’s hobby?你妈妈的爱好是什么?

her hobby is going shopping. 她的爱好是购物。(不能用 she hobby...

4. what is janet’s hobby?詹妮的爱好是什么?

janet’s hobby is taking photos.(不能用 janet hobby...

he, she, they意思是“他”,“她”,“他们”放在句子开头,做主语,后面一般不跟名词。

his, her, their及名词所有格’s,表示“……的……”后面一般要加名词。如更多例子:

he is my best friend.——his name is ben.

she is a beautiful lady. —her hobby is playing music.

they are my parents.——their hobbies are different.

jiamin can jump high.——jiamin’s hobby is doing the high jump.

5. i h**e more than 500 stamps from 20 countries. 我有来自20个国家的超过500张邮票。

more than 超过 from来自。

i h**e more than 30 books from my father. 我有来自爸爸的三十多本书。


hobby-- hobbies ability-- abilities country-- countries a stamp-- 20 stamps a book-- 30 books

6. every day, every nigh, during my holiday 三个时间状语放在句子结尾,不能放中间,句子用一般现在时。

eg: (1) we h**e lessons together every day. (主语不是三单,且是一般现在时,动词用原形。)

2) ben wants to make a model plane during his holiday. (主语是三单,且是一般现在时,动词以s/es结尾)

3) 错误句子: ben during his holiday wants to make a model plane. (during his holiday应该放在句子结尾)

7. draw画(动词) ,drawing画(名词) ,paint画(动词) ,painting画(名词) ,painter画家。

8. 作文:介绍朋友或某人的兴趣爱好,日常活动等,可用以下句型(适当替换横线部分):

i h**e two friends. they are ben and xiaoling . ben likes playing football very much.

he can play football well. he usually plays football with his friends after school. xiaoling doesn’t like football.

her hobby is drawing cartoons. she can draw very well. you can see her pictures in her room.

i love my friends. they are very funny.


module 2


1. can 意思是“能,能够”,尾巴杀手,后面的动词用原形。

...can ..well/ fast/ high/ far 有时可替换成。be good at ..如:

my father can jump far. =my father is good at jumping.

my mother can cook well. =my mother is good at cooking.

he can swim fast. =he is good at swimming.

2. together“一起”,放在动词后面,表示“一起做某事”

如,go shopping together一起购物 read books together 一起看书。

3. 可用于表达能力的三个词:快fast,好well,高high,远far

read fast读得快 jump high/far跳得高、远 sing well唱得好 dance well 跳得好。

4. like=love=enjoy,后面加动词ing,可表示“喜欢”,后面加动词ing.

5. what can you do? 你能做什么?、你会做什么?——i can sing well.

6. what can your father do? 你爸爸会做什么?——he can make model ships.

7. can 问can 答,can 谁就谁答,如:

1)can you do my homework?你能做我的作业吗?——no, i can’t. 不,我不能。

2)can you draw cartoons?你能画**吗?——yes, i can. 是的,我可以。

3)can you sing and dance?--of course i can. /yes, i can.

4)can jiamin speak english? 家明会说英语吗?——yes, he can./ no, he can’t.

5)can your mother do housework?——yes, she can./ no, she can’t.

8. talk:讲话、谈话,动词。talk to/talk with 和……谈话;talk about 谈论……

talking: 会说话的,形容词。a talking robot

speak: 说(语言),动词。speak chinese, speak english

9. will“将要,将会”。won’t“将不会”尾巴杀手,后面动词用原形。如:

mum will be very happy。妈妈将会很高兴。(am, is ,are的原形是be)

i will go to the market this afternoon.我今天下午将会去市场。

he won’t go to school tomorrow. 他明天将不会上学。

10. 作文:介绍某人的能力和特长时。用一般现在时,可用句型:

...can...fast/ well/ far/high, he/she is good at ..加ing)

module 3 daily life


1. talk with 和……谈话。

i want to talk with my father. 我想和我爸爸谈一谈。

2. talk about 谈论(关于)……

i want to talk with my father about the football game. 我想和我爸爸谈一谈那场足球赛。

3. to do可用来表示“目的”,go to...to do ..可表示“去某地做某事”,如:

i am here to help you. 我来这里(目的)是帮你的。


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