
发布 2020-11-03 01:27:28 阅读 5868

unit 1good friends


重要的短语:play the piano, children`s palace, shopping mall, h**e a picnic, lots of, be good at, talk about, spare time, come over, get into, groups of, on monday, learn about

句型:1, like +动词ing,,否定句式用or 连接。

for example :i don`t like running or painting.

2 it takes sometime to do sth

for example : it takes 12 years to collect all stamples.

语法:1 be going to do

for example : 肯定句:i am going to fishing tomorrom.

否定句:i am not going to fishing tomorrom.

一般疑问句:are you going to fishing?

2 there be 句型主语是单数时用 is , 主语是复数时用 are

for example : 肯定句:there is a /an + 可数名词单数+ 时间或地点。

there is

there is a pen on the desk.

there are five people in the room.

unit 2 things in the kitchen


重要的短语:sunday morning/afternoon, clean up , h**e a party , at 8:00 4 slices of bread , turn over

句型: 1 what happened?--发生什么事了?

2 what`s wrong?--怎么了?

3 what a mess.--多乱啊!

4 it was me . 他是我。

5 be动词的过去时 am/is --was, are --were

语法:祈使句1 肯定祈使句(1)动词原形+其余部分。

如:come and play with me .

2) let +第一或第三人称宾格+动词原形+其它。

如:let me try. let him know.


如:don`t let him know.

unit 3 a rainy weekend


重要的短语:call our friends, listen to, play a game , surf the internet, hold on, come over, living room, after that, too much, fall down, come from, for two hours, take care, go out , in the bed

句型:1对天气的提问---what`s the weather like ?=how`s the weather?

答句;it rained and rained.

2 打**要注意的事项:问你是谁?--who`s that?

自己介绍自己---this is +名字。

我能和~~~通话吗?--can i talk to~~~

等一下。--hold on.



unite 4 对unite 1---unite 3 复习。

unite 5 dinosaurs

重要的短语:mike mistakes, a long, long time ago, in the air , two of them, on the earth, turn to , make up, be afraid of ,too

重要的语法: 1 名词可以分为可数名词和不可数名词。不可数名词只有单数形式,在句子中作主语时其谓语动词也要用单数形式。


可数名词的复数构成:(1) 一般是在其后加s

如 book—books, banana---bananas

2) 以s, x, ch, sh, 结尾的用es

如:box—boxes, watch---watches

3) 以辅音字母y结尾的要变y为i加es

如 knife---knives, leaf---le**es

4) 有些名词复数是不规则变化。

如:man---men, foot---feet


如:sheep---sheep, deer---deer, fish---fish

2 and , or, but, so用法。

and 是连接两个意思是对等关系的句子。or 连接两者之间选其一。but 表转折。or 意思是因此,所以。

unite 6 at animal land

重要的短语:h**e lunch , ask sb about sth, at night, a lot, take turn to do sth , h**e to, turn over


unite 7 holiday postcard

重要的短语:missing you, take a photo/ take photos, a bowel of, look at, play with, find out, try to do , send to, fall in love , all over the world

语法:结 to do 形式的动词 ask, want, like, love. allow, tell, think, drive , know

如:i want to h**e a drink.

省略 to 的动词 :help

the boy help his mother (to) cook.


module 1 hobbies 重点 爱好 兴趣的问答和表述。句型和作文 一般现在时,第三人称单数 1.what is your hobby?问爱好 你的爱好是什么?my hobby is model planes.我的爱好是做模型飞机。my hobby is.后面加 ing 不能说 my hob...


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