
发布 2023-04-18 06:07:28 阅读 7515

一. 短语复习。











二. 单词复习。

通常) do mornning exercises at 8:30.

eat晚饭) at 7:00 in the晚上).

3.__什么时候)do you get up?

周末)i go shopping with my mother.

5.__有时) i visit my grandparents.

___季节) do you like best?

like __冬天), because i can play with __雪).

8.__秋天) is my最喜欢的) season.

9.__为什么) do you like夏天)?

生日) is in十二月).

s the __日期)?is __她的) birthday in june?

are you正在干什么)?i am洗碗).

is a __**) for you. please稍等)。

i和…讲话) your mother?

is writing e-mail in the __书房).

16. the __袋鼠) is跳).

17. they are in the __森林).

18. are they eating the蜂蜜).

三. 拼词成句。

1. any, are, in, pandas, mountain,the, there(?)

2 birthday, is, when, your(?)

3. elephant, water, baby, a, is, drinking(.)

4. don’t, snakes, like, i(.)

5. collect, take, are, le**es, picture, we, and(.)

6. with, white, green, the, the, sweater, skirt, best, like, she(.)

7. for, you, fish, vegetables, lunch, do ,h**e, and(?)

8. with, music, i, can, to, ears, listen, my(.)

9. are, class, in, there, many, your, how, student(?)

10. you, insect, are, watching, an(.)

四. 选择填空。

) 1. the rabbita short tail.

a. h**eb. there isc. has

) 2are the tigers jumping? because they want to catch the monkey.

a. when b. whyc. what

) 3. i can __look! i am

a. swim;swimb. swim; swimmingc. swimming; swimming

) 4. i want to play chess. who want to play __me?

a. withb. onc. for

) 5. let’s do an experiment __the ant.

a. onb. atc. for

) 6. _is flying the kite?

a. whatb. whoc. when

) 7. it is 4:30, my parents __in the supermarket.

a. shopb. shoppingc. are shopping

五. 根据情景回答。

1. 你想到海南去旅游,但不知道什么时候去最好,你怎么问旅行社?

2. 你看见妹妹在忙个不停,不知道她在干嘛,你问妈妈:

3. 你想知道老虎会不会游泳,你怎么问你朋友?

4. 参观完动物园,你问对方最喜欢的动物(animal)是什么,怎么说?

5. 你想知道同学通常早餐吃什么,怎么问?

六. 阅读短文。

a)my english teacher is miss chen. she’s pretty and active. i love to h**e english class.

every weekend, miss chen plays with us. today it’s december 25th. it’s sunday.

we’re playing in the woods. we can see some animals. look!

the monkeys are climbing trees. the pandas are eating bamboos. the rabbits aare running.

mother kangaroo and baby kangaroo are sleeping! what are the children doing? yanyan and sarah are collecting le**es.

mike is taking pictures to them. “run away. children.

the tigers are fighting.” miss chen says. oh, what a sad sunday.


) 1. miss chen teaches english.

) 2. today is christmas day.

) 3. the monkeys are sleeping.

) 4. we are in the woods.

) 5. the children are h**ing a good time today.

七. 作文。



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