
发布 2023-04-18 06:05:28 阅读 7345

module 1

短语:be back from china 从中国回来 come back回来 last sunday 上周末。

live in london 居住在伦敦 live near 住在…附近 look at 看

come with us 和我们一起来 hurry up快点 wait for us 等等我们

go to the park with… 和…一起去公园 go home by bus 乘坐公共汽车回家。

run to the bus 跑向公共汽车 walk to the bus 走向公共汽车 buy ice creams 买冰激凌。

ab句:did you come back? 你们什么时候回来的?

b:we came back last sunday. 我们上个星期天回来的。

2. a:how are you?你好吗? b:i’m fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。

you live in london too? 你也居住在伦敦吗?

b:yes,i live in near amy and sam. 是的,我住在amy 和 sam家的附近。

linging phone you? 玲玲给你打**了吗? b:yes,she did./no,she didn’t.

首字母大写单词:london town 伦敦街 the london eye 伦敦眼 london 伦敦

china 中国 sunday 星期日 chinese 中国的。


is in london with sam and amy. 玲玲和sam、amy一起在伦敦。

back from china! 你从中国回来了。

is our chinese friend,lingling. 这是我们中国的朋友,lingling。

came back last sunday. 我们上个星期天回来的。

you live in london too? 你也居住在伦敦吗?

live near amy and sam. 我居住在amy 和 sam家附近。

went to london town. 玲玲去了伦敦街。

visited the london eye. 他们参观了伦敦眼。


go --went 去 meet --met 碰上、遇见 visit --visited 参观 see --saw 看见。

come---came 来 drop --dropped 使掉落 buy --bought 买 run --ran 跑 is --was 是。

module 2

短语:need food for picnic 需要野餐食物 make a shopping list 列一张购物单

at the supermarket 在超市 at home 在家 how much 多少(不可数) how many 多少(可数) half a kilo 半公斤 a lot of 许多 over there 在那边 two bottles of 两瓶…

ab句:many apples did your mum say? 你妈妈说要多少苹果? b:four apples. 四个。

much cheese did she say? 她说要多少奶酪? b:i don’t know . 我不知道。

did you buy? 你们买了什么? b:we bought some apples. 我们买了一些苹果。

many bananas did you buy ? 你们买了多少香蕉?

b:we didn’t buy any bought twelve eggs. 我们没买香蕉。我们买了12个鸡蛋。

much juice did you buy ? 你们买了多少果汁?

b: we bought two bottles. 我们买了两瓶。

much cheese /chocolate did you buy ? 你们买了多少奶酪/巧克力?

b:half a kilo. 半公斤。

amy eat all the chocolate? amy吃了所有的巧克力吗?

b:yes, she ate it all .是的,她全部吃完了。

much juice did she drink ? 她喝了多少果汁? b:she ate it all. 她全部喝完了。


eat --ate 吃 drink --drank 喝 do --did 做 lose --lost 丢失。

module 3

短语:at the weekend在周末 lots of places 许多地方 he british museum大英博物馆

the london eye伦敦眼 like the bus ride best 最喜欢乘坐公交 take a boat trip 乘船旅行

along the river沿着河流 take one hour and twenty minutes 花费了1小时20分钟

h**e a good day 度过美好的一天 lots of people许多人 take photos of照相

at ten o’clock 在十点 in the morning 在早晨 go by bus to badaling 乘坐公共汽车到八达岭 walked on the wall for one hour 在城墙上走了一个小时

the mountains with beauiful flowers and green plants 有美丽的花和绿色植物的山

ab句:did you do at the weekend?你们周末做了什么?

b:we visited lots of places.我们参观了许多地方。

did you go? 你们去了**?

b:we went to the british museum.我们去了大英博物馆。

did you go to these places? 你们是怎样去这些地方的?

b:we went by bus. 我们坐公交去的。

lingling like the museum? 玲玲喜欢它吗?

b:yes, she did. but she liked the bus ride best. 是的,但她更喜欢乘坐公交。

went to the great wall?谁去了长城?b: daming and his father.大明和他的爸爸。

did they arrive?他们什么时候去的?

b:they arrived there at ten o’clock in the morning. 他们早晨十点去的。

did they go there ?他们是怎样去的? b: they went by bus. 他们坐公交去的。

did daming do?大明做了什么?

b:daming took a photo of his father.大明拍了爸爸的**。

首字母大写单词: the british museum大英博物馆 the london eye伦敦眼

big ben 大本钟 the great wall 长城 badaling 八达岭。


went to the british museum.我们去了大英博物馆。

visited big ben and the london eye.我们参观了大本钟和伦敦眼。

and his father went to the great wall at the weekend.


went to badaling by bus.他们乘坐公共汽车去八达岭。


like --liked 喜欢 take --took 乘坐、花费 h**e --had 吃、患、有

arrive --arrived 到达 walk --walked 步行 are --were 是


短语:bought… for ….给…买了… a pair of 一套 want to 想要。

on the line 在绳子上 washed … for… 给…洗了… on the schoolbus 在校车上

ab句:you wash lingling’s t-shirt?你洗了玲玲的体恤衫了吗? b: no, i didn’t.

took my t-shirt. he wants to wear it. sam拿了我的体恤衫,他想穿。

b:but it isn’t your t-shirt . mum bought it for me. 但它不是你的。妈妈给我买的。

五年级 上 英语期末复习计划

2015秋五年级英语上册期末复习计划。新营小学庞慧。本学期各年级英语教学工作已经进入了尾声阶段,老师 学生们都投入了紧张的复习工作。在复习过程中要避免把复习课变成背诵课堂,使复习失去真正的意义而变得枯燥乏味,复习应从学生实际出发,要因地制宜,因材施教,有的放矢。一 复习目标 a 认读一些简单的音标,...

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