五年级英语复习 上

发布 2022-01-12 23:18:28 阅读 1262



形容词: he**y (重的) light(轻的) big(大的) small(小的)

tall (高的) short(矮的) scary(可怕的) dirty(脏的)

clean(干净的) wet (湿的) fast(快的) kind(友善的)


sad(伤心的) bored(无聊的) angry(生气的) happy(高兴的)

tired(累的) hungry(饿的) thirsty(渴的)

食物类:ice cream(冰激凌) sweets(糖果) meat(肉) egg( 鸡蛋)

chicken(鸡肉) cake(蛋糕) biscuits(饼干) chocolate(巧克力)

季节类:spring(春天) summer(夏天) autumn(秋天) winter(冬天)

月份类:january(一月) february(二月) march(三月) april(四月)

may(五月) june(六月) july(七月) august(八月)september(九月) october(十月) november(十一月) december(十二月)

节日类:halloween(万圣节) easter(复活节) christmas(圣诞节) children’s day (儿童节) mother’s day(母亲节) national day(国庆节)

new year’s day(元旦节)

衣物类:t-shirt(t恤衫) coat(大衣) cap(帽子) hat(帽子)

jacket (夹克) dress(连衣裙) shirt(短裙) shoe(鞋子)

shirt(衬衣) sweater(毛衣) shorts(短裤)

人称代词:主格: i we you she he theyit

宾格: me us you her him themit


形容性物主代词: my our your her his their its它的。

名词性物主代词:mine ours yours hers his theirs its


动物类: duck(鸭子) chick(鸡) panda(熊) monkey(猴子)

bird(鸟) elephant(大象) snake(蛇) dog(狗)


the ducks 喂鸭子 trees高树。

at 看 of许多。

on 快点 to the supermarket去超市。

there 在那边 autumn festival一个秋天的节日。

scary clothes 穿着吓人的衣服 spring在春天。

party 生日聚会 lunch吃午餐。

home 回家 with和…玩。

up 收拾 basketball打篮球。

fast跑得快 the ball接球。

high 跳得高 show电视节目。

special dog特别的狗 people找人。

people盲人 around tables(围着桌子坐)

in lines(坐成排 photos(照相)

songs(唱歌 england(在英国)

morning(每天早上 morning exercises(做早操)

china(在中国 school(中国学校)

english school (一所英国学校) paintings(孩子们的画)

the wall(在墙上 fun(玩得开心)

time(休息时间 hard(努力学习)

homework (家庭作业 day(每天)

up(起床 to bed(**睡觉)

chess (下棋 out(出去)

a mess (搞得一团糟 some water(喝水)

a cake(做蛋糕 with the cds(玩激光唱盘)

your toys(整理玩具)


1. there was a + 单数名词 before. (以前有一个…)

there were + 复数名词 before.(以前有很多个…)

there wasn’t a + 单数名词 before. (以前没有一个…)

there weren’t any + 复数名词 before.(以前没有很多个…)

there is a + 单数名词 now. (现在有一个…)

there are + 复数名词 now.(现在有很多个…)

2. what do you want? i want + 你想要的东西。

3. here you are. thank you.

4. what do children do at halloween?

they go to people’s house.

they scare the people.

5. what do the people do?

they give the children sweets.

6. when is easter? it’s in spring.

7. be going to 打算,将要 what be + 人称 +going to do?

i am going to ….

he /she /it is going to ….

we/they/you are going to….

8. whose + 东西+ is it?

it’s mine/yours/his/hers/人名’s.


yes, i can. no, i can’t.

10. what time do you get up? i get up at +时间。

what time does your school start? it start at +时间。

what time does your school finish? it finish at +时间。

what do you do at break time? i + 你做的事情。

what is your f**ourite subject? my f**ourite subject is +你喜欢的科目。

what time do you go to bed? i go to bed at +时间。

11. are you …?yes, i am. /no, i’m not.

is she…? yes, she is./ no, she isn’t.

is he …?yes, he is. /no, he isn’t.


第一单元。必会单词 young funny tall strong kind old short thin principal university student strict smart active funny 注意 a university student 必会句型。what s he li...


一 熟记下列单词。fruits 水果 bananas 香蕉 pears 梨子 apples 苹果 oranges 桔子。food 食物 soup 汤 rice米饭 fish鱼肉milk牛奶 bread 面包 cake 蛋糕 sweets糖果 noodles面条 vegetables蔬菜 chicke...


五年级英语期末练习题。一 译一译。玩电脑游戏扫地。洗衣服两双袜子坐下 做饭乘坐公共汽车迟到 来自远离按时。在墙上整理床铺最喜欢的水果 把小刀递给他去 的路。儿童乐园下公交车。三副眼镜。二 按要求写单词。child 复数want 同义词组 this 复数 old 反义词come 单三人称 help 形...