
发布 2020-05-08 23:27:28 阅读 3860


第一单元单词:building playground garden round square rectangle


1、i like my new school我喜欢我的新学校。

i like the new building我喜欢这座新建筑。

2、i’m in class 2 , grade 6 . 我在六年级2班。

第二单元单词:go straight turn left turn right which the way to


3、which is the way to the library ? 哪一条是去图书馆的路?

it’s not far away它不远。

go straight .then turn right直走,然后右转。

4、where is the zoo动物园在**?

第三单元单词: pretty good—looking naughty straight hair curly hair

smiling face 笑脸 /漂亮的好看的调皮的直发卷发。

5、who is he / she他(她)是谁?

he is joe . he is naughty . 他是乔。他很调皮。

he has very short hair他有一头短发。

第四单元单词:ping—pong bat baseball doll basketball football teddy bear


6、whose doll is this这是谁的布娃娃?

it’s carly’s这是卡丽的。

it’s hers /mine这是她的/我的。

注意:hers 她的(后不接名词) her ① 她的(后必须接名词)②她(宾格)

7、let’s tidy up我们整理吧!

第五单元单词:week weekends weekdays painting drawing chinese writing

fishing 钓鱼一周周末工作日画画画画中国书法。

8、what do you usually do on weekends ? 在周末你通常做什么?

i usually learn chinese writing我通常学习中国书法。

第六单元单词:by bus by car by train by taxi by bike on foot walk

(重点) 乘公交车坐小轿车坐火车打的骑单车步行走路。

9、i often walk to school我经常走路去学校。

10、how do you usually go to school ? 你通常怎样去上学?

i usually go to school by bus . 我通常乘公交车去上学。

i often go to school by car我经常坐小轿车去上学。

sometimes i walk there有时我走路去那里。

第七单元单词:teacher doctor nurse fireman postman policeman

(重点 ) 老师医生**消防员邮递员警察(男)

11、what do you want to be你想成为什么?

i want to be a doctor / a spaceman .我想成为一名医生/一名宇航员。

第八单元单词: milk food computer news***** telephone company

an ice cream 一个冰激凌 \牛奶食品电脑报纸**公司。

12、what does your father do你爸爸是做什么的?

he works in a food company . 他在一家食品公司工作。

第九单元单词:pork beef mutton chicken roast duck dumplings


13、do you like meat ? it’s delicious . 你喜欢吃肉吗?它很美味。

yes , i do ./no, i don’t是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。

第十单元单词:cabbage carrot cauliflower tomato potato cucumber


14、you should eat more vegetables . 你应该多吃蔬菜。

they are good for you它们对你有好处。

yes, i think so是的,我是这样认为的。

no, i don’t think so不,我不这样认为。

注意: be good for 对……有好处。

be good at 擅长……

十一单元单词:christmas eve christmas day christmas gift christmas tree


santa claus 圣诞老人 new year’s day 新年 new year’s eve 除夕。

15、merry christmas and happy new year圣诞快乐,新年快乐。

16、what do you do on christmas eve ? 在平安夜你们做了什么?

we h**e a party我们举行了一个派对。

十二单元单词:spring festival 春节 make—****** 制作 bake—baking 烘烤。

get--getting 得到 cut—cutting 剪 mop—mopping拖地 swim—swimming 游泳。

17、what are you doing你正在干什么?

i’m ****** dumplings我正在做饺子。

18、it’s spring festival again又是春节了。

单选题:1、i’m grade 6a. at b. on c . in

2、 is the way to the teacher’s room ? a. what b. which c. how

3、she very long curly haira. h**e b. had c. has

4、i pretty .he naughtya. are, is b. am ,has c. am , is

5、whose ruler is this ? it’sa. my b. mine c. carly

6、what do you usually do weekends ? a. at b. on c. in

7、there are 12 months a yeara. at b. on c. in

8、i usually go to bed 9:00a. at b. on c. in

9、what does your mother do ?

she in a milk companya. work b. working c. works

10、does he like carrotsa. yes , he do. does. does.


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