
发布 2023-04-18 06:04:28 阅读 6042


1. 一周七天 seven days a week ;干的好 well done

2. 让我们一起去上一节科学课吧。 let's go and h**e a science lesson

好的 all right ;那就组成了一周 that makes a week

3. 讨论我的一天 talk about my day

4. 现在几点了? what time is it now?

十二点了。 it’s twelve

5. 我们是谁? who are we?

6. 在三点钟 at three o’clock;在下午 in the afternoon ;在一年 in a year

7. 我在6点钟起床 i get up at six o 'clock

8. 刷牙 brush your teeth ;洗脸 wash your face ;小睡 take/h**e a nap

锻炼 do exercise ;吃点心 h**e a snack ;洗澡 take/h**e a bath

9. 再试试 try again ;do one’s homework 做某人的作业

10. 我看见树上有一只鸟。i can see a bird in the tree

11. 这是棵树。 this is a tree

12. 我会打篮球和做蛋糕。 i can play basketball and make cakes

13. 这很难,但我能试试 it’s difficult, but i can try

14. 九点五十 it’s ten to ten ;go to bed at nine 九点睡觉

15. 我不会骑自行车 i can’t ride a bike .

16. 你会做什么? what can you do?

17. 我画画很好。 i can draw pictures very well.

18. 谁能跳得高? who can jump high?

他能 he can

19. 在河面上 on the river ; 在下午 in the afternoon; at night 在夜里

20. my school life 我的学校生活; ;before ten 十点前;

21. 该上体育课了。it's time for pe lesson ; draw pictures 画画 ;

22. 我的学校课程 my school lessons ;

连词成句:play, i, school, after, football, (

2. at, has, skating, fifty, tim, a, eleven, lesson, (

选择。1. (bcan you see the monkey? -behind the tree.

a. what b. where c. when

2. (c )-it’s time bed a, at b. to c. for

3. (c )i h**e a lesson afternoon. a, skate, at b. skate, in c. skating, this

4. (bdo you h**e lunch? school a, when, at b. where, at c. when, in d where, in

5. (c ) nice t-shirts! a, how b. what a c. what

6. (c )i h**e a lesson afternoon. i can well.

a, skate, at , skate b. skate, in, skate c. skating, this, skate d skate, at, skating

7. (b )we h**e six every day. a, lessons b. subjects c. lesson

8. (b )look. sam .what egg! a, an big b. a big c. big


1. how old is (be) your brother? –he’s five

2. can you see these trees ( tree)?

3. he can play (play) football.

4. how many maths lessons (maths lesson) do we h**e?



what can you see in the lake ? i can see three boats .

2. 我每天十一点吃午饭。 i h**e lunch at eleven every day.

3. 我每天七点上学。i go to school at seven every day.

5. 她有一个新的时间表 she has a new timetable.

6. we h**e an art lesson this morning. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)

do you h**e an art lesson this morning?

no. we don’t

7. 你们今天上午有什么课? what lessons do you h**e this morning ?

8. 我们在星期五下午有一节游泳课 we h**e a swimming lesson in the afternoon.

9. 今天上午我没课。i don’t h**e any lessons this morning

10. 你能看见那边的一棵树么?是的,我能。树上有一些鸟。

can you see a bird over there? -yes ,i can .there are some birds in it

11. 你能看见多少座小山?十二座。-how many hills can you see? -twelve

12. it’s easy. (改为同义句) it’s not difficult .

13. 你能看见河上的小船么? can you see the boat on the river

14. 我每个周六都没有课。i don’t h**e any lessons every saturday 。

15. 我和刘涛今天下午有一节溜冰课。i and liutao h**e a skating lesson this afternoon .

16. 今天星期几?周六。 what day is it today? -it’s saturday .

改错:1. (b )what can you see? –i can jump.

ab c d


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