
发布 2023-04-18 11:00:28 阅读 3747



1. it’s a pen. 2. the plants are dry. 3. i like eat moon cakes

4. i go to school by bus5. i must walk the dog.


a. girl: what’s in the picture?

boy: a sheep and a bear.

b. girl 1:what are you reading?

girl 2:i’m reading around the world in eighty days.

c. boy: which toy do you like best?

girl: i like the doll best.

d. woman: when is the mid-autumn festival?

girl: it’s on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the chinese calendar.

e. girl: what’s your f**ourite game?

boy: it’s basketball.


hello, i’m lily. i’m a chinese girl. i h**e some new friends.

they are from different countries. tim is from america. he is a happy boy.

bob is from canada. he is very naughty. tommy is from the russia.

he is very tall. kate is from the she is a beautiful girl. they’re lovely.



dialogue 1 a: do you like carrots, mary?

b: no, i like tomatoes best.

dialogue 2 a: is it the double-ninth festival tomorrow?

b: no, it’s the mid-autumn festival.

a: great! we’ll eat moon cakes tomorrow.

dialogue 3 a: what sports do you like,peter?

b: i like baseball,badminton and rugby.

a: what’s your f**orite game?

b: it’s baseball.


dialogue 4 (a男声 b女声)

a: hello, lucyb: hi, tom!

a: what are you readingb: i’m reading monkey king.

a: i like reading, too, but i like sports better. b: i know is your f**ourite class.

a: sure. you’re right. i do best in


hello, everyone. my name is alice. that is a-l-i-c-e, alice.

i’m twelve years old. i like drawing. i can draw very well.

my f**orite class is art. do you want to make friends with me? please call me.

my phone number is 361-7259.




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