
发布 2022-05-16 01:02:28 阅读 4050

一 .选择正确的汉语意思。

) 年老的 b. 体贴的。

) a.努力的 b. 年轻的。

) a: 年老的 b. 可笑的。

) a: 善良的 b. 可笑的。

) a: 严厉的 b. 年轻的。

) a: 有用的 b. 努力的。

) a : 星期日 b. 星期一。

) a:三明治 b. 星期日。

) a:汉堡包 b. 新鲜的。

) a:湖泊 b. 树。


)1. a. beside b. behind c. my

)2. a. like b. river c. lake

)3. a. monday b. watch c. tuesday

4 a. old b. young c. robot.

5. b. salad c. hill


)1.__there a lake ? no, there isn’t

a. is b. are c. am

) there any mountains?

a. yes ,there are b. no , there isn’t c. yes, there aren’t

) can youi can clean the room.

a. do b. does c. is

) you do any kung fu , john,i do b. no, i don’t c. no, i can’t

) do you h**e __thursdays?

a. on b. for c. to

)6. is he stricthe is.

a. no b. yes c. really

)7. miss white is __teacher. she is __english teacher.

a. a ,a b. an , an c. a an

) would you like to eat ? i’ d like

a. sandwich b. milk c. hot

)9. what’s he like

a. he’s a boy b. he’s kind c. he has a pen

)10. we __english, maths and pe.

b. has c. are


1. do , what, h**e , you , thursday , on

like , what’s

f**ourite , what’s , your, funny, and , she’s

5. can, english, speak , i


chen jie: hey,miss wang will be our newteacher.

john: really? what’s she

chen:she’s kind.

john: is she

chen:yes, sometime.

john: do youher?

chen:yes, she’smother.


a: strict b: my c:chinese d: like e: know

六、 选择正确的单词序号。

1. what’s yourfood?

2. what would you like___eat?

3. i like ice cream, it’s

4. the vegetables are

5. my f**rourite drink is

a: healthy b. f**rourite c: to d: sweet e: tea


) he young ?

a: 他年轻吗? b:他善良吗?

)2. what’s she like?

a: 她什么样子? b: 她漂亮吗?

)3. she’s kind.

a: 她很害羞。 b: 她很善良。

)4. what do you h**e on thursdays?

a: 星期四你有什么课? b: 星期四你吃什么?

)5. what’s your f**ourite food?

a: 你最喜欢什么食物? b: 你喜欢什么颜色?


) she like?

)2. do you know mr young?

)3. what would you like to eat ?

)4. what’s your f**ourite food?

) can you do?

a:i can do any kung fu. b: she’s kind. c:aandwich,please.

d: no , i don’t


) can you i can speak chinese.

) you h**e english and chinese.

) she i can.

) there a river in the park? like some milk.

) you speak can play the pipa.

) do you h**e on mondays? kind.

) would you there is.

) your art young.


i am sarah . i can speak english and chinese. i can sing english songs.

i can swim. i can dance. i can draw pictures.

i can play ping-pong. i can’t cook. i can’t play the pipa.

i can’t do any kung fu. what can you do?

) can speak english and chinese .

) can’t sing english songs.

五年级上英语期末试卷 二

第一学期五年级期末考试卷 二 五 判断下列每组单词中划线部分读音是否相同,相同的打 不相同的打 2.5分 1.cousin music2.lunch ju year sorry 4.water window5.nurse horse 六 英汉互译。10分 1.看故事书6.watch films 2....


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