五年级上英语期末试卷 二

发布 2022-05-16 01:03:28 阅读 4813

第一学期五年级期末考试卷 (二)


)1. cousin music2. lunch ju***. year sorry

)4. water window5. nurse horse


1. 看故事书6. watch films

2. 在她旁边7. so he**y

3. 教数学8. chat on the internet

4. 一首英文歌9. just right

5. 明天早上 people


) 1. there are two applesis green, _is red.

a. one, one b. one, other c. one, the other

) 2. xiao ming and xiao hong are twins. they___like sports.

a. allb. bothc. are

) 3. the man has___bread___milk . he’s hungry and thirsty.

a. some, and b. no, and c. no, or

) 4. children’s day is coming. i buy some things___my friends.

a. forb. toc. give

) 5. in the us, we can seein canada, we can see

a. bald eagles, polar bears b. polar bears, kangroos c. bald eagles, kangroos

) 6su yang’s grandparents h**e a catthey h**e a lovely cat.

yes b. do, yes c. does, no

) 7sam good atsure.

a. does, swimingb. does, swimmingc. is, swimming

) 8. i like drawing pictures, my brotherlikes drawing.

a. toob. doesn’tc. also

) 9. theresome milk and cakes in the fridge.

a. isb.

)10your father a worker?--yes, he___cars in a factory.

a. does, makes c. does, make

)11. -what’s your hobby

a. i like bananas. b. i like skating. c. i like art.

)12.--look! this is our new school

a. what beautifulb. how beautiful school. c. what a beautiful school.


1. he’s a nicecook). he cancook) nice food.

2. i always goshop) with my family.

3. mary___dance) very well. she has___dance)lessons at school.

4. let’s go andh**e) a picnic now.

5. autumn is thethree) season of a year.

6. we all like plying withhe).


1. 在那两棵大树中间有个秋千。

there is a swingthe two big

2. 操场上有多少个学生?

how manythere in the playground?

3. 他是名作家。他在家写作。

he is aheat home.

4. 周末,他们常常去公园放风筝。

theya kite in the park at weekends.

5. 猴子有长腿长手臂。

monkeys h**e longand long

6. 请把书放到书包里。

your bookyour school bag , please.


1. there are some mangoes in the basket.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答。)

___there___mangoes in the basket? no, there

2. d**id is sitting behind tom. (改为同义句)

tom is sittingd**id.

3. tom usually goes fishing with his father.(改为一般疑问句)

___tom usuallywith his father.

4. su yang has a big lunch on christmas day. (改成否定句)

su yanga big lunch on christmas day.

5. wang bing and mike like playing table tennis. (对划线部分提问)

wang bing and mike like

6. sometimes, go, their, sundays, parents, to, they, with, on, zoo, the. (连词成句)


iii1. are there any songbooks on the piano? a. they like drawing.

2. where are the piesb. great!let’s go and play.


一 选择正确的汉语意思。年老的 b.体贴的。a.努力的 b.年轻的。a 年老的 b.可笑的。a 善良的 b.可笑的。a 严厉的 b.年轻的。a 有用的 b.努力的。a 星期日 b.星期一。a 三明治 b.星期日。a 汉堡包 b.新鲜的。a 湖泊 b.树。二 找出不同类的词。1.a.beside b....


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五年级第一学期语文期末试卷。时间 90分钟卷面分 5分 班级姓名学号 成绩。一 基础 1 圈出错别字,并改正在横线上。契而不舍峰恋雄伟涣然一新张冠李带 2 选择合适的一组关联词语,填在括号里。a 既然 就 只有 才 b 即使 也 只有 才。c 既然 就 即使 也 d 即使 也 既然 才。是一些被人们...