五年级 上 英语月考试卷

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) 1. young a. 老的 b. 年轻的

) 2. helpful a. 有用的 b. 害羞的。

) 3. strict a. 严厉的 b.慈祥的

) 4. polite a. 聪明的 b. 有礼貌的。

) 5. funny a. 滑稽的 b. 友好的。

) a.星期一 b.星期三。

)7. tuesday a.星期二 b.星期四。

) a.周末 b.周,星期。

) my clothes a. 看电视 b. 洗衣服。

) football a. 打篮球 b. 踢足球。


)1. a. he b. her c. she

)2. a. short b. tall c. kind

)3. a. cool b. student c. teacher

)4. a. clever b. strict c. h**e

)5. a. friend b. young c. old

) b. today c. sunday

( )b. watch c. often

( )b. english c. homework

( )b. play c. watch

( )10. b. chinese c. class


1. (mr li is our music teacher.

2. (what’s she like?

3. (is he young?

4. (i often read books in the park.

5. (what do you h**e on thursdays?

a. 星期四你有什么课?

b. 我经常在公园看书。

c. 她什么样?

d. ***是我们的**老师。

e. 他年轻吗?


( )1. our music teacher is __funny teacher.

a. ab. anc. the

) 2. –is miss wu strict? -no

a. she’s b. she isn’t c. she is

) 3your science teacher? -mr zhang.

a. what’s b. who’sc. where’s

) 4clever and funny? -yes, he is.

a. is he b. is shec. is it

) 5. she __friendly and hard-working.

a. am b. is c. are

) chinese, math, english and art on tuesdays.

a. h**e b. hasc. are

) 7. i often __books on saturdays.

a. see b. read c. reads

) 8. do you __mr young?

a. h**e b. knew c. know

) 9. we h**e english and music __fridays.

a. onb. inc. at

) 10. -do you often read books in this park?

a. yes, youdo. b. no, i don’t. c. no, i do.


) 1. what’s he like

) do you h**e on mondays

) 3. do you often play football on the weekend

) 4. who’s your english teacher?

) day is it today

a. mr black.

b. i h**e english, math and pe.

c. he’s tall and strong.

d. it’s saturday.

e. yes, i do.


chen jie: hey, ms wang will be___we / our) new chinese teacher.

john: really? what’s___he / she ) like?

chen jie: she __is / are) kind.

john: is she strict?

chen jie: yesoften/ sometimes).

john: do you know___she/ her)?

chen jie: yes. she’s my mother.

john: haha. cool!


1. are,hard-working,they (.

what’s, like, mother (?

3. tall, he, is, strong, and (.

4. tuesdays, we, h**e, art, on (.

5. you,read,do,books, often (?

八、读短文,判断正误。( 用t表示正确,f表示错误)(20分)

一)i h**e three new teachers. a science teacher, an art teacher and an english teacher. miss chen is my science teacher.

she is tall and kind. mr smith is my art teacher. he’s old and funny.

mr black is my english teacher. he’s young and strict. but we all like them.

)1. miss chen is my art teacher.

)2. miss chen is short and kind.

)3. my english teacher is young and strict.

)4. mr. black is my english teacher.

)5. i h**e a pe teacher, a science teacher and an english teacher.

二)my name is tom. i like wednesdays. because we h**e english on wednesdays.

i don’t like thursdays. because i don’t like i always draw pictures on mondays. i can watch tv on fridays.

i often read books, play computer games and do homework on saturdays. on sundays, i often play football with my father.


南川乡中心学校2012 2013学年度。五年级英语第一次月考质量检测试卷。一 找出划线部分发音与众不同的单词。每小题1分,共5分 1.a.peach b.seat c.head d.jeans 2.a.blue b.black c.brown d.blow 3.a.beef b.sheep c.sl...


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