
发布 2023-04-18 13:00:28 阅读 7722


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吃早饭go hiking爬山弹钢琴。

leaf(复数fly kites




)1、a、what b、where c、which d、great

)2、a、on b、usually c、often d、always

)3、a、breakfast b、lunch c、exercise d、dinner

)4、a、swimming b、sing c、shopping d、hiking

)5、a、spring b、season c、summer d、fall


what why which who where when do at in eat

1season do you like best?

2、__isyour f**orite season?

3、__is your art teacher?

4are you from?

i’m from china.

5、__do you like winter?

because i can skate.

6、i __dinner at home.

7、__do you usually get up?

8、what do you___on the weekend?

9、i usually get up___6:30.

10、i can’t play football __the rian.


) 1. we go __north and play in the snow.

a. up b. on c. down

) 2. i can play __snow in winter.

a. in b. with c. /

) 3. i don’t like winter.

it’s __cold __me.

a. to…to b. for…to c. too…for

) 4. you like summer. i like summer

a .too b. either c. to

) is goodwinter is my f**ourite.

a. so b. and c. but

) 6. what is the weather___in fall?

a. like b. /c. likes

) 7. in fall, i can play___football in___park.

a. the…the b./…c./…the

) 8is my f**ourite season.

a. swim b. swimming c. summer

9、there are___season in a year.

a、fourb、 seven

( )10.请翻译句子:“spring is coming. can winter be far behind? ”

a.春天来了,冬天还会远吗?b. 春天来了,冬天也来了吗?



do, what , weekend, on , you, the, football , i , play .

why , best , like , you , do (

4. like , season, which , do , best, you( ?

5. us, go, let, together, shopping .


) do you play sportsa. i’m a doctor.

) do you dob. at 7:00,too.

) you for telling mec. i eat breakfast at 6:30.

) do you eat breakfastd. you ’re welcome.

) usually get up at 7:00. and you? e. i usually play sports at 3:30.


i购物).do you起床)?

3.(夏天my f**ourite season .


spring , i can种树).


my name is chen jie. i’m from china. i’m a chinese girl.

i live in a big city. we h**e spring, summer, fall and winter here. i like spring best.

it’s windy and warm. we can fly kites in spring. it’s the best time to plant trees, too.

i don’t like summer. it’s too hot. in winter it never snows in our city.

so it’s not very cold.

1. there are four seasons in a year.

2. summer is chen jie’s f**ourite season.

3. we can plant trees in winter.

4. chen jie goes to swim in summer because it’s hot.

5. it doesn’t snow in chen jie’s city.


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