
发布 2023-04-18 12:58:28 阅读 7109


.read ,circle and write.读一读,圈出正确的单词并写一写。(10分)

吃早饭。2get/go) up 起床。

to (school/bed) 去睡觉。

4. (swim/skate) in the lake.


ⅱ.choose the right translation.选出正确的译文(20分)

( )1.让我们放风筝吧!

a. let’s fly kite! b. let’s fly kites! c. let fly kites!

( )2.我最喜欢春天。

a. i like spring best. like summer best. like spring.

( )3.因为我可以滑冰。

a. because i swim. i can swim. i can skate.

( )4.我一般7:00锻炼。

a.i usually do morning exercises at 7:00.

b. i usully at 7:00.

c i do morning exercises at 7:00.


a.i usually eat lunch at 12:00.

b. i often eat lunch at 12:00.

c. i sometimes eat lunch at 12:00.

)6. 你什么时候吃晚饭?

a.i eat dinner at 6:00.

b. when do you eat dinner?

c. when do you eat lunch?


a. it’s sunny and cool. b. it’s warm and windy. d. it’s windy and cold.

)8. 你为什么喜欢秋天?

a. why do you like summer?

b. why do you like fall?

c. why do you like spring?


a. i like summer. b. what do you like? c. when do you like?


a. he likes spring. b. he like spring. c. he likes flowers.

.think and write t or f.想一想,判断正(t)误(f)(10分)

) 的复数形式是le**es.

) 和because 是一对近义词。

)3.想问别人什么时候上英语课可以这样说: “when do you h**e english class?”

)4.想告诉别人你喜欢夏天的原因时,可以这样说: “because i can swim in the sea.

)5.春天是最好的季节。可以这样说: “spring is good.”


1. 做运动 kites

2. 种树 grandparents

3. 冬天

4. 去远足。

5. 堆雪人

.read and match.读一读,连一连。(10分)

1. when do you get upa. i am a teacher.

2. what do you get up at 7:00

3. what do you usually play the piano

4. what do you do this weekend? d. i usually go shopping.

5. when do you eat dinnere.6:00.

6. what’s the weather like in spring? a. yes i do.

7. what’s your f**ourite i can swim.

8. do you like windy and warm.

9. why do you like

10. which season do you like beste. i like spring best.

.choose and complete.选一选,补全单词。(10分)


b. ht c. wh d. ti

d. r

d. ai

c. en d. un

c. z

c. al

c. rur

.group the words.单词分类。(只写序号)(10分)




.choose and fill in the blanks.选词填空。只填序号,(10分)

hiking d. my grandparents

i. with j. season

)1. let’s

)2. igo shopping.

) i visit

)4. i often play

)5. i liketrees.

) likebest.

) you like best?

) alwaysan cool.

) i can playsnow.

)10. winter is the best

.reorder the words to form sentences. 重组句子。(10分)

1. do what you do (?

2. usually you what do do (?

3. going you are weekend do to this weekend (?

4. best which do season you like (?

5. your season f**ourite what’s (?


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