
发布 2023-03-15 22:25:28 阅读 7276

module 1

重点:( 之前和现在的对比,即before 与 now, 主要在听力,选择)

肯定句: there was/were ……before

there is/ are……now

否定句:there wasn’t/were n’t……before

there isn’t/ aren’t……now



does london look different now? yes, it does.

do you like the park now? yes ,i do.

祈使句: let’s +原形。

let’s feed them.

其它句型:there is one clock now, there are birds, too.

we couldn’t feed the birds before, but we can feed the birds now.

look at the picture of our school.

how aboutyour school?(正常会先提到我的是怎样的,才会问你的呢?)

单词: lots of = a lot of

练习:一、is are were can could’t weren’t wasn’t aren’t

1) there ( a tree on the playground before.

2) there ( some trees on the playground now.

3) there ( some flowers on the table now.

4) there ( any birds in the park before.

5) we( )play basketball now

6) tom ( dance before. but he can dance very well now

7) there ( new students in our classroom

8) are there trees in the garden?

9) there( )a big ball here now.

10) there ( any apples in the shop now.

二、选择。1) let’s ( to school.

a. go b. going c. went

2) look at the picture ( my dad.

a. on b. of c. in

3) there ( a clock before, but there( )one now. ,is b. was, was c. was, is

4) there are ( trees in our school.

a. a lot b. lot of c. lots of

5) my bag is newabout your bag?

a. what b. how c. do

5) does she look different now? 肯定,否定。

6) do you like the park ? 肯定,否定。

module 2形容supermarket

重点:there are/is ……

there are many sweets , there is a lot of fruit, too.

the one is he**y, the one is light.(this is ….

祈使句: let’s +原形。

let’s goto supermaket.

let’s go.

let me help you.

其它句型:what a big supermarket!

what doyou want? i want tobuy sweets.

单词:( 要注意单复数)

sell 销售(指超市商场)

the supermarket sells many things

buy 买 (指人去买东西)

i want to buy a t-shirt.

练习:1) the supermarket( )many different things

a. sell b. sells c. buys

1.1) the supermarkets( )many different things

a. sell b. sells c. buys

2) what( )you want? i want a white t-shirt

a. did b. does c. do

3) this bag isi can’t carry it, can you help me?

a. light b. he**y c. white

4) there are many sweets here. there are many fruit

a. too b. yes c. only

5) yesterday i ( to the park

b. went c. are going

6) there are ( books on the desk.

a. lot of b. a lot of c. any

7) (a big supermarket!

a. how b. what c. oh

8) amy is from the uk, she’s( )

b. america c. english

9)i go to the park( )sundays

a. in b. on

10)my birthday is ( june.

a. in b. at c. on





module 3

重点:what do children do at halloween?

they to to their neighbour houses and ask "trick or treat?"

what do their neighbours do?

they give sweets to children.

halloween is an antumn festival in the uk.

easter is in spring in the uk.

christmas is a winter festival in the uk.

练习:1) (do children do on hallween?

a. what b. how c. do

2) it's ( autumn festival in the uk

a. a c./

3) what do children do ( easter?

a in b on c at

4) children wear ( clothes

a. good b beautiful c. scary

5) there are toy chicks and flowers ( the hats

a. on b in c at

6) we will send you a postcard( )america.

a. about b from c of

7) there arebooks on desk

a. lot of b a lot of c any

module 4

重点:what is he doing?

he is telling story.

what are we going to do?

we are going to h**e lunch together.

句子:it is an invitation to my birthday party

i am going to be eleven.

there was an old man

练习:1are we going to do on sunday? we are going to see a film.

a. what b how c. where

2) what are you going to do tomorrow

a i go to play football.

b i went to play football.

c i am going to play football.

3) it is ( old book.

a. an b a c./

4) it is ( invitation ( my birthday party

a. a of b. a to c. an to

5) i am going to ( eleven

a. is b are c be

7) my home is ( 15 street london.

a. on b in c. at

8) pls come to our party ( sunday 2nd oct.

a. on b in c. at

module 5

重点。whose eraser is it ?

is it yours?

it is mine.

what's the matter with you?

it isn't hers

it isn't his

it is raining.

amy's dress is wet.

练习:1. is it yours


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