
发布 2023-04-18 10:57:28 阅读 3605


1. i like滑稽的)people.

2. miss liu is very --友好的).

3. is your friend文静的).

4. i h**e a good teacher. he is very聪明的).

5. the woman looks老的) and thin.

6. our chinese teacher is年轻的).

2. 单项选择。

1is your chinese teacher?

a what b who c how

2. ilike beef.

a not b am c don’t

3. -i’m thirsty. -you can drink some

a water b cake c bread

4. -you know mr young?

a do b are c is

5. i oftenon the weekend.

a play football b play the football c play a football

6he kind and funny?

a is b are c am

7. he’smusic teacher.

a us b we c our

8is mrs liu?

---she’s our music teacher.

a why b how c who

8. -is mr white kind?

he is very strict.

a yes, he is . b no, she isn’t. c no, he isn’t.

9. -do you know mr liu


a i don’t b i do c i am

10. my teacher is verybut sometimes she is very strict.

a kind b happy c shy

11.--what’ s your computer teacher like

a she is miss wang. b she is short and strong. c she is a shy student.

11. ilike beef.

a not b am c don’t

12. -what would you likehamburger.

a eat b to eat c to drink

13. -i’d likewater.

a some b a c any

14. i like --but i don’t like

a hamburgers; sandwichs b hamburgeres; sandwiches

c hamburgers; sandwiches

15. ichinese, maths and englishtuesday.

a h**e; at b ha; on c h**e; on


1. a happy b funny c shy

2. a read b bread c beef

3. a snow b flower c cow

4. a slow b yellow c how

5. a kind b strict c polite

6. a book b cook c foot

7. a sorry b why c sunny

8. a tea b eat c breakfast


1. what’s your f**ourite food? (汉堡包)

2. my art teacher is mr jones. (就划线部分提问)

3. i can draw cartoons. (改为一般疑问句)

there any rivers in the park. (作出否定回答)

5. there are two rabbits in the park. (就划线部分提问)

you sing english song? (作出肯定回答)

7. i can speak english? ***否定句)

8. i like hot dogs. (改为一般疑问,并作否定回答)

like hot dogs?


1. 糖尿病人不宜多吃的食品是:

a fresh b delicious c sweet

2. 看到辣椒,你会想到:

a hot b sweet c thirsty

3. 提到“关注食品安全,提倡健康饮食”,你会想到。

a thirsty b healthy c hot

4. 刚摘的蔬菜,应该怎么形容呢:

a sweet b hot c fresh

5. 看到别人大口地吃面条,你会想到:

a delicious b thirsty c healthy

6. 当你想问别人要吃什么时,应该如何问:

a what would you like to eat? b what do you do? c what can you do?

7 . 当您想告诉别人你想吃一个汉堡包时,应该如何说:

a i’d like some hamburgers. b i’d like a sandwiches. c i’d like a hamburger.

8i can do some kungfu.

a what can you do? b what would you like? c what do you do?

9. -i can play the pipa

a wonderfulb thank you! c ok!

10. 你想知道对方会做什么,你该如何问?

a what can you do? b what do you like? c how can you do?


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