
发布 2020-10-27 10:33:28 阅读 3019



c_ mer_(照相机)w_ m _ n(妇女) b_ by(婴儿)

p_ ct_ re(**) p_ op_e(人们)f_ lm(电影)

ch_ ldr_ n(儿童)m_ n (男人)


) 1. quickly slowly loud quietly

) 2. easy hard happy everyone

) 3. men man women books

) 4. walk talk now play

) 5. arm feet nose soup


) 1. look! i __a tall tree.

a . look b. see c. read

) 2. _sing . the boy is sleeping.

a. not b. no c. don’t

) 3. _you like some bread?

a. are b. can c. would

) 4. my mother shops___

a. slow b. slowly c. slower

) 5. may i __your picture?

a. take b. takes c. taking

) 6 —what are you doing? -i __a book.

a. reading b. am reading c. read

) 7. a snack is __food to eat.

a. a little b. many c. a

) 8. i can __a man on the train.

a. sees b. see c. seeing

) 9. i want to buy gifts __my family.

a. to b. from c. for

) 10. _the children flying kites?

a. is b. does


1、 tea 2、 sandwich 3、 milk 4、 banana

5、 water 6、 hot dogs 7、 orange 8、 fruit


) danny doing? liming.

) you like some pop?

) you h**ing fun? hurt my nose.

) happened? yuan.

) is singing? is talking.

) much are the apples? f. i am h**ing fun.


) 1、please don't’ sing! you are too loud!

) 2、the man behind me is reading the news*****.

) 3、i want to take a picture.

) 4、jenny and li ming take a cab to their hotel.

) 5、i see some children playing on the square.

) 6、everyong wants to go shopping.

a. 我看见孩子们正在广场上玩。b.

詹妮和李明乘出租车去旅馆。c. 请别唱歌了,你声音太大了。

d. 我想照张相。e.

每一个人都想去购物。f. 我后面的哪个男人正在看书。


1、it’s mr. li. (划线部分提问is it ?

2、would you like some tea? (否定回答。

3、jenny and li ming are children. (变成一般疑问句)

___jenny and li ming

4、i like fish. (变成否定句) ifish.

5、can you play cards? (作出肯定回答i


1、hungry is who

2、your may picture take i

3、laughing children loudly the are

4、beijing train station the there people are many in

5、 playing see some i children


10分)jenny and danny are h**ing a very nice trip in beijing. they see many people in the train station. there are many women, men and children on the street.

some walk quickly and some walk slowly. jenny and danny go to tian’anmen square and the palace museum. they take many pictures.

and they want to buy many gifts for their friends.

1、jenny and danny are h**ing a nice trip. (

2、they see many people in the park .

3、they go to tian’anmen square and the palace museum. (

4、they take a picture. (

5、they want to buy many gifts for their friends. (


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