
发布 2020-10-14 08:12:28 阅读 8490



)1 a、spring b、summer c、fall



)1 a、spring b、summer c、fall

)2 a、march b、may c、april

)3 a、eat breakfast b、eat lunch c、eat dinner

)4 a、7:30 b、8:30 c、9:30

)5 a、drinking b、eating c、h**ing

)6 a、fly kites b、plant trees c、make a snowman

)7 a、nice b、sweet c、good

)8 a、go hiking b、go shopping c、go fishing

)9 a、go to bed b、go to school c、go to work

)10 a、first b、second c、third


1、look, what is my mother doing?

she’s2、chen jie and amy are

3、hellocan i speak to chenjie, please ?

4、her grandpa is

5、when is your birthday


)1. a. there are four seasons in a year. b. spring is my f**ourite season.

)2. a. it's june 21st. b. it's thursday.

)3. a. no. he's playing football. b. yes. he's very tall.

)4. a. my mom is a doctor. b. sure. hold on, please.

)5. a. they are cooking dinner. b. she is answering the phone.



)1 a、winter b、cool c、spring d、summer

)2 a、cool b、cold c、warm d、walk

)3 a、skate b、swim c、climb d、season

)4 a、first b、two c、second d、third

)5 a、may b、july c、sunday d、june


) 1.spring a.春天 b.季节 c.夏天。

) 2.morning a.下午 b.中午 c.上午。

) 3.may a.五月 b.三月 c.六月。

) 4.write a letter a.写报告 b.写信 c.写电子邮件。

) 5.swim a.游泳 b.荡秋千 c.跑步。

) 6.usually a.通常 b.一般 c.经常。

) 7.evening a.晚上 b.早上 c.中午。

) 8.h**e a picnic a.数昆虫 b.举行野餐 c.做实验。

) 9.drink water a.打架 b.讲话 c.喝水。

) 10.twelfth a.十二 b.第十二 c.第二十。


)1. my parents usually get up6:40.

a. on b. in c. at

)2 . what's the date today?

a. it's tuesday. b. it's coolc. it's april 1st.

)3 . is amy answering the phone?

a. yes, he does. b. no, she is writing a letter. c. no, he isn't.

)4. there is a call __you.

a. for b. on c. at

---they are listening to music.

a. what do they do?

b. what are you doing?

c. what are your grandparents doing?

) 6. this isduck.

a. my b. an c. you

) e-mail.

a. writing b. write c. written

) 8they playing sports?

a. are b. is c. am

) 9. winterzoom and zip don’t skate. they sleep.


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人教版 PEP 小学英语五年级下册教案

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