
发布 2020-10-27 08:30:28 阅读 2396





)1. -what are you doing

a. i often read booksb. i like reading. c. i am reading a book.

)2. i usually get up 6:00.

a. inb. atc. on

)3. -when do you go to school this morning

a. at 7:30b. on mondayc. it’s seven o’clock.

)4. -why do you like springi can plant trees.

a. whatb. becausec. which

)5about you

a. howb. wherec. why

)6. mike: what’s your f**ourite season? john

a. swimmingb. fly kitesc. spring.

)7. she isdinner

a. cookb. cookingc. wash

)8. –are you flying kites

a. yes, she doesb. yes, i doc. yes, i am.

)9. they are picking up

a. le**esb. leafc. leafs

)10. there areseasons in a year.

a. elevenb. fourc. five


)1. –hello! can i speak to sarah ?

--sarah is drawing pictures in the study

a. this is sarahb. please hold on. c. i’m coming.

)2. –what’s the date?

a. it’s february 8thb. it’s 11:00c. it’s snowy and cold.

)3. –please be quiet(请安静). my mother isok.

a. going hikingb. doing dishes c. sleeping

)4. –when do you eat breakfast?

--i usually eat breakfastand then i to to school at 8:00.

a. at 7:30b. at 8:30c. winter

)5. –which season do you like best, zoom?

because i can swim .

a. summerb. fallc. winter

)6. –happy birthday to you

a. goodb. thank youc. the same to you.


1. plant trees去远足2. fly袋鼠。

fly kites去钓鱼walk书房。

go shopping回家kangaroo飞。

go hiking种树climb荡秋千。

go home放风筝swing往上爬。

go fishing去购物study走。


)1. what do you do on the weekend?

)2. thank you for telling me.

)3. what’s the bird doing?

)4. are they h**ing a picnic?

)5. is her birthday in may?


1. season, do, which, you, best, like (?

2. dancing, is, monkey, the (.

3. beautiful, spring, is (.

4. mother, panda, doing, the, what, is (?


wheneveningget up (

atdateusually( )

fallsummerwinter (

take picturescatch butterfliespick up le**es (

cook dinneranswer the phonejan

listen to musicaugnov


八、阅读短文,从方框里选择合适的词填空。(8’ =4*2′)

my name is bai ling. i’m eleven years old. my birthday is october 2nd.

it’s in fall. the weather is cool and sunny. it’s my f**ourite season.

my father’s birthday is in october,too. can you imagine(想象)it’s on the same (同一) day! we can enjoy ourselves(玩得快乐) on that day together!

usually we go hiking or fly kites. sometimes we h**e a picnic. we h**e a lot of fun(玩得高兴)on that day!


选择填空。共20分 1.my parents usually get up6 40.a.on b.in c.at 2 what s the date today?a.it s tuesday.b.it s coolc.it s april 1st.3 is amy answering the pho...


2013 2014学年度质量检测。小学英语学科五年级试题。说明 本试题共4页,满分100分,考试时间40分钟 书写规范,卷面整洁者加1 5分。一 完成句子,根据所给汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。每小题3分,满分30分 1.i am doing the餐具 2.mom is cooking dinner...


小学英语 pep 五年级下期末试题d 满分100 1 给下列单词加上 ing 形式。10分 takefly runswim playsee readh e climbgo 二。对号入座。找出单词的正确译文,将其标号填入前面的括号内。10分 1 spring a 春天 b 季节 c 夏天。2 morn...