
发布 2020-10-11 21:05:28 阅读 1994


1 . key words(重点词组)

eat too much candy:吃太多糖果go to bed ealy:早点睡觉。

eat too much meat:吃太多肉exercise every day:每天做锻炼。

drink too much juice:喝太多果汁drink milk every day:每天喝牛奶

eat with dirty hands:用脏手吃东西 wash hands before eating:吃饭前洗手

watch too much tv;看太多电视eat a lot of fruit:多吃水果。

2, key structures(重点句型)背会默会课本红体句子。

1. what’s wrong? 译:怎么了?


2 what should i do? 译:我应该做什么?


3. you should…… 译:你应该……(做什么)


4. you shouldn’t…… 译:你不应该……(做什么)


5. i’ve got a ( headache/toothache/stomachache).译:我(头疼,牙疼,胃痛)。


subject复数subjects i’ve展开形式i h**edoesn’t展开形式does not

classmate复数classmates shouldn’t展开形式should not play 现在分词 play

wish复数wishes you’ll展开形式you will eat现在分词 eating

walk现在分词walking watch三单形式 watches hurt三单形式hurts

help现在分词helping feel三单形式feelsfat 反义词thin

wear现在分词wearing come三单形式come early反义词late

little反义词bigcan not缩写can’t should not缩写should n’t

we宾语usyou宾语youbetter原级 well / good

much比较级more副词) (形容词)

时态) the future tense(一般将来时):主语 + be going to + 其它。

e g :you are going to be ok.

5,pronunciation(语音)了解字母组合ea的发音 ea;[e]

6. expand(拓展)

1.)i’ve got=i h**e got not always=however

2.)a lot of和lots of的区别?

lots of修饰可数和不可数名词。

a lot 副词如:thanks a lot

a lot of只能修饰可数名词。

a lot of=lots of 许多的可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词。

a lot是表示程度的一个词组 thanks a lot 多谢 know a lot about china 对中国了解很多。

lot的非正式写法,就是说书面语用a lot of 较多,口语用lots of 较多(可能。lot.“他的朋友是一群陌生人,”或“我不认识他的那群朋友。”

a lot of和lots of都可以修饰可数和不可数名词。

3)sometimes:有时 sometime:某个时候 some times:几次 some time:一段时间。

4)some advice for sb;给某人一些建议。 eg ;i h**e some advice for you.

5)first……next……finally:用于写作中。 eg; first, wash your hands .

next, wash the apple .finally, you can eat.

作文,课本p 7页)

dear mary,i h**e some advice for you .first ,you shouldn’t play too much on the computer all night .next, you should go to bed early and exercise every day.

finally, you should drink some water and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.



1.( c__ dy(糖果)


3 ( exer__ se(锻炼)

4.( t__ ed(困倦的;疲倦的)

5.( dri__ 喝,饮)

6.( bef__ 在……之前)

7.( al__ s(总是)


) and vegetables___all good for___us

( )too much___the computer.

a..should, in

) plenty __fruit and vegetables.

) to bed___every day.

late 9;00

) h**e this___


brown walks by the sea.(改为现在进行时态)

she touch it?(作肯定回答)

should wish for a new house.(改为一般疑问句)

brown should wish for good health.(对划线部分提问)


stpmaches h**e i (.我经常胃痛。)

hands wash do eating your you (.吃东西前你洗手了吗?)

drink a lot i of (.我喝了许多果汁。)

think feel better i will soon (.我想你会很快感觉更好些了。)

every exercise day should(.)你应该每天锻炼。)


my name is mary. i love playing computer it is my summer vacation. i can play on the computer a lot.

i’m so happy! i play every day from monday to sunday. i sleep for five hours a day.

but i’m not happy now. i’ve got a headache and i don’t want to eat anything. i cannot see the words on the screen clearly.

my right hand also hurts.

根据短文内容。mary 要保持健康,应该怎么做。哪些不应该做,用英文写一写。

dear mary,i h**e some advice for you. you shouldn’t

you should


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